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Hyunjin's POV

"Hyunjin, Felix? Wake up!"

I opened my eyes grumbling and looked right in Changbin's face, wich was only millimeters above mine and grinning widely. I screamed in horror and tried to get away from him, wich made me fall off my bed.

"Jinnie, what is it?" asked Felix sleepily. "Everything's fine" I groaned and sat up again. "You overslept" Changbin yelled at that moment. "We have to go in half an hour" was it this late already? Seemed so. Sighing I pushed Changbin out of our room and looked at Felix, who was still lying with closed eyes in our bed.

I smiled, went to him and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. He hummed and pulled me down so we could actually kiss. As much as I liked this, I had to get him out of the bed.

"Lixie, you've heard Binnie, didn't you? We have to stand up!" Just how I expected; he didn't move a bit, so I pulled his blanket away and tickled his feet. Felix laughed loud and cursed me at the same time, wich didn't sound that terrifying "I am already standing up" he gasped when I gave him a break so he could breathe.

Ten minutes later we were standing completely ready in the kitchen, only waiting for Minho and Jisung, who were absolute late sleepers.

Felix's head rested on my shoulder since he was still tired, even though we had only watched a movie yesterday and went to bed after. "Hey Lixie, don't fall asleep again" he smiled at me, wich made my heart beat a little faster. I still loved Felix the same I did two years ago.

Minho finally came downstairs, looking extremely tired.

"Minho? What's that?" Seungmin asked pulling his shirt down a little.

"Hey, stop that!" Minho complained and tried to hide his neck, but we had seen the huge hickey already.

"Ooh, who did that?" grinned Changbin, who had sneaked up on Minho.

"That's none of your business" he said stubborn, but a small blush had crept on his cheeks.

"Let him be, we'll find out sooner or later anyway" I winked at Minho, who turned away from us annoyed.

"Morning" mumbled Jisung, finally here as well. "What happened here?" he asked confused, as he saw how close Changbin and Seungmin still to Minho were.

Now our leader said something:"Minho has a hickey and those two want to know who did that."

"Mhm" Jisung looked at Minho, who tried to avoid his look and only blushed more. Weird.

But since it was late already we had to hurry now to get alterst a bit on time to our dance practice.

After we got there and worked on our choreography for Maniac, I forgot the incident with Minho. Felix and I were right next to eachother and it was really difficult to concentrate on my own steps while he danced there.

After a few hours our manager came in and told us our schedule for the next week. Everyone groaned due to the lack of free time, only Chan didn't complain.

"Minho, Jisung, are you coming to the bowling alley with us this evening?" I asked them, as we left the dance studio. Minho avoided my gaze and mumbled something, but Jisung shook his head.

"Our room looks really awful right now, so we kinda have to clean it." he answered and looked at me, apologizing.

"No problem, but next time you come along!" I waved my hand at them and went back to the others, then put my arm around Felix.

"They don't have time" I explained and we made our way to the bowling alley.

Welcome to the continuation!
I'm gonna upload a new chapter every day :)

So... hey :)
I guess it took me some time to translate this, it's been four weeks...
I'm sorry for that, but anyway, I wanted to thank you guys , I was really happy when I came back from my school trip and What will happen had like 13k reads and 500 votes and was on #1 in Hyunlix.

As you can see I wanted to try to write A/Ns italicized and my own notes like this. Let me know if you like it better like this or how I did it in the first book.

I probably won't update this every day, but I'll try not to make to long breaks.

But yeah... I've written a long not now, so enjoy this :)

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