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Authors note:
YALL SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER TO POST THIS💀 basically I got in a lot of trouble with my parents and also kinda with the law soooo like I haven't been focused on writing this story but I'm bored so yah 😍 anyways ik I said I might not write any smut but I kinda want to cuz I'm bored. I'll warn you if there's smut before hand. Ok enjoy!

Jett POV:
The room they put me in was small and isolated. No windows, a small bed and locked from the outside. It's clean and tidy and contains a small metal desk connected to the light gray aluminum wall. I sigh and slump down on the twin-sized bed in the corner.
The room is soundproof, dimly lit and unnecessary cold.  The thin, white blanket laid out on the bed is the only thing to keep me warm.
"Come here Insam," I pat my lap. He comes running over and leaps onto my legs.
I look around the room. There's nothing to do but sit or sleep. I sigh. "Let's get some rest Samsam. Tomorrow is a big day."

I was awoken by a bright flash and the sound of footsteps approaching the foot of my bed. I wait for my eyes to adjust to the white light, and see Ling smiling over me, holding out what looks to be a set of training clothes.
"Today's a big day! You have two hours before I escort you back to the evaluation room," she places the clothes down on the bed as I stretch my arms. Ling presses a button on the wall that triggers a seemless door to open on the other side of the room. It reveals a small bathroom with basic needs.
"See you soon," she exclaims and leaves the room with a grin.
I start the day off with meditation, a few squats and push-ups, then take a cold shower. The clothes that Ling gave me are some black athletic sweat pants, and an athletic zip up hoodie which is also black.
I poor myself a cup of black coffee (that's all they had) from the coffee pitcher sitting on the metal table.
I warm up for the evaluation by stretching and blowing a few gusts of wind from my fingers.
Before I knew it, Ling came back and placed a blindfold over my eyes. She led me back to the evaluation room which was now filled with much more equipment, obsticals and weapons.
I stood there alone for another 10 minutes before I hear the familiar grumble of the man's voice.
"Welcome to the standard agent evaluation. For the record, please state your full name."
That statement reminds me of a police investigation. This will be fun. "Sunwoo Han," I say firmly.
"Sunwoo Han, you will be evaluated on three major physical categories. Agility, strength, and use of radiant ability. The session is being recorded for the scoring process. Scoring will last up to three hours. You are free to use whatever object in this room, including the guns." I glance at the corner of the room which was stalked to the teeth with rifals, shotguns, ammunition, you name it. "Stage one will be the agility stage. You will have 2 minutes to show off all the agility-related skills you posses, without using special ability. Second is strength, a 4 minute time limit. And last is showing off all your special abilities in all means you can. There will be no time limit on the last stage. Any questions?"
This sounds simple enough. I just show off my best athletic abilities, and they judge me based off of how good I am or something. I shake my head and the room goes silent. I crack my knuckles, then my neck.
A loud buzz interrupts the silence. A large, red timer above the one-way window pops on-screen.
"Shit." Not a time to waste. I plant my foot into the ground and sprint to the nearest obstical. I jump over a three foot tall block with ease, launch myself off its corner and grap the monkey bars ahead of me. I do a few laches and quickly pull myself up to the top of the monkey bar set.
"I'm on top of the world!" I shout in excitement.
My brother chuckles as he looks up at me. "Keep going, Sunny! You have to beat the course for ice cream!"
I giggle and balance across the bars until I reach the end. I leap off and my feet hit the ground with a large impact, but I roll to continue the momentum.
"Nice one Sunwoo! Keep going, over the wall!"
The nine foot wall towers over me, but I sprint towards it without fear. I reach the base and begin to climb, slipping my fingers into the cracks of the wood, using my legs as a boost. I reach the top and grip the ledge then pull myself to the top, finishing off by jumping to the ground and rolling yet again so the impact wasn't as harsh.
Seul-ki claps and gives me a noogie. "Good job Sunny! Let's go get ice cream my little soldier."
The buzzer blares marking the end of my agility run. The flfteen foot wall I just dropped down from marked the end of my course.
The loud speaker clicks and the man's voice returns. "Ok, Sunwoo that marks the end of your agility test. You may take two minutes to catch your breath before we evaluate you on strength."
"I don't need to catch my breath. I'm ready now."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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