V2: Chapter 6 - Making Bank | Interlude 2 - [Redacted]

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Callum Briz fidgeted nervously in the back of the car, sandwiched between two burly figures in suits. He had been blindfolded, and his hands were cuffed behind his back. Anyone who had stumbled upon this situation, their first guess would be that he had been kidnapped, or perhaps was on his way to meet a mafia boss for something he'd done wrong. Alas, it was nothing quite as interesting. This was something Callum had signed up for voluntarily, but it didn't make him any less anxious.

He was a graduate student majoring in political science, and over the course of the next few months, he would be interning at Central Peace Headquarters. Normally, summer break didn't start until a few weeks later for students, but he had been able to finish all of his courses and exams a few weeks early. He had even managed to get his thesis completed on time, even though they were willing to give him an extension until after the internship was completed. Depending on how this internship went, it may give him all the credits he would need, and would be a fruitful beginning to his political career.

That morning he had arrived at the Prosper train station. Waiting for him were three CP agents holding a sign with his name, who were all rather intimidating in appearance. However, they were friendly enough. They helped him with his luggage, and talked him through a run-down of what was going to happen. They even let him take a small reprieve to use the restroom and get something to eat if he wanted, since they informed him the trip would take about an hour and he'd be rather busy once they arrived.

Callum took them up on their offer, having realized he hadn't eaten due to anticipation. He hurriedly wolfed down a small pastry, since he didn't want to keep them waiting even if they didn't appear to be in a rush. When he returned, they pulled out a tablet and made him sign a waiver, then sat him in the back of the prepared car. His restraints were then attached to him and the restless drive began.

The reason he was forced to take such measures was due to the inherent secrecy of the Central Peace. After all, the location of their headquarters was the best kept secret in the world. When news of its existence went public, a lot of people went snooping around for the location. A lot of people then either went missing or became wary of even speaking on the subject shortly after. It has since become a place of legend, some doubting its existence entirely, most others opting to be blissfully ignorant.

According to his escorts, this kind of treatment that he was experiencing was rather rare. Interns weren't common at the CP. Most people who worked there were contracted for long term employment. They could either be trusted with its location, or were one of those who lived there permanently. Representatives were the only ones allowed to come and go freely, along with their personal staff. As an intern only working there for a few months, he was considered a high risk of being a leak. Hopefully, this wouldn't be his first and only trip there.

In this situation, Callum imagined most people would at least try to get some bearing on their location by memorizing the turns the car was making. However, for whatever reason, he could never feel it. If the car ever made a single turn since they'd departed, it didn't stick out. Perhaps there was some form of gyroscoping stability in the seating.

The ride was long, but it definitely wasn't boring. The escorts kept conversing throughout the trip, talking about random things they liked, even trying to include him now and again. Callum would rather have used that time to rest and prepare himself, but his nervousness never would have let him do that in the first place. Finally, the car stopped, and his blindfold was removed.

Callum was confused for a moment, thinking they'd gotten the wrong place. They were definitely underground, but it was not at all like he was expecting. It looked like they were at an unloading zone in front of a regular office building, or perhaps a hotel. There were sliding glass doors that led into what appeared to be a waiting room or a lobby. Above the doors was a sign that read 'Newcomer Entrance'.

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