Chapter 2: The Void in CA

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You are immediately awake and aware of your surroundings– it does wonders for your anxiety as you can now confirm that you're not in your musty dorm.

In fact, you are pretty sure this is somewhere in California; a rather quaint and suburban part– full of leafy trees and small residential houses and neatly cut lawns...

And pink dressed ladies screaming aggressively as they throw open their car doors.

And huge black voids that follow them.

You blink. It's not the former that makes you pause (I mean, c'mon it is CA), but the latter...

You'd laugh if someone had told you there were huge man-shaped nothing wandering around the suburban streets of Wild California (and then immediately punch them because it's exam week and you've got enough bullshit to study for), but...

It's literally in front of you. Across the fucking street.

Man. Punching yourself seems pretty reasonable at the moment.


A/N: Oooooooo. I wonder what author - san's voids areeee~

No really, I'm wondering them all the same. Also, writing these was like having a To Do list: super hard. well at least on the upside, now I have only that To Do list left to do. Goshhhh

Also, cookies to fans who can guess who the aggressively yelling Californian lady is~

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