Chapter 12 - Forest of Death

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"Neji! Wait for us!" Lee yelled out as he caught up with the Hyuga boy. "As much as you don't want to, we need to work together or else we'll have no chance of becoming Chunin!" Lee persuaded Neji with little success.

"Lee, I just want to be in and out of that forest as soon as possible, I don't want him to be in my presence for too long," Neji said pointing at Y/N who had just arrived alongside Tenten.

"Neji, I want the same thing, so let's just move on and get through this forest," Y/N said confidently as Neji rolled his eyes. 

Team 13 handed in their consent forms and received an Earth scroll for their troubles.

"Stay with your representative and go to your assigned gate, we'll be starting in 30 minutes," Anko told the team as she handed another team a Heaven scroll.

As they walked to their gate, Team 13 gazed at their competition as they also discussed their tactics. 

"Our best chances for winning will be to search for a Heaven scroll individually, we've all trained hard on stealth and intel gathering so it should be a piece of cake," Neji says confidently, "My Byakugan will be able to find you all if needed." He continued. The rest of the team felt confident in Neji's plan as they knew they had more experience than most of the participants there.

"We scatter outwards to cover as much land as possible," Tenten added as she began stretching.

"I feel alive! 120 hours won't be enough to quench my thirst for exercise!" Lee shouted out as he stood outside the gate ready to sprint at full pace.

"Let's just be careful, everyone." Y/N finally added looking at Tenten and Lee.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be the one to carry your body across the finish line." Neji chuckled.

"Whatever you say, Neji," Y/N responded as the gates finally opened up and a horn sounded. Team 13 immediately rushed into the forest with reckless abandon. Y/N went slightly to the left of the rest of the team, so he can pick off the weaker teams off the bat.

Y/N leapt from tree to tree, eager to show his newfound power, in this rush of excitement he realised how much Danzo had done for him, how he had made Y/N the Ninja he always wanted to become. Y/N treated and respected Danzo as much as he respected his own father, who was a fine ninja before being severely wounded in the attack from the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Y/N snapped back to reality to realise he had come across a team, who he recognised to be from the same year as Naruto. One guy with large triangles on his face had a dog on his head, the other had a large coat on with a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes. He recognised these people to be a part of the Inuzuka and Aburame Clans. However, the third member of the team caught his eye. She looked very reluctant to fight and was hiding behind her other two teammates but her large lavender eyes shone out like a beacon. 

"Hey! Looks like we got an idiot on our hands guys!" The kid with the dog said loudly as his dog joined in by barking excitedly. 

"Don't rush in Kiba, he must be strong if he can deviate from his team this early on." The other guy said as he put his arm in front of the dogboy, Kiba.

"Hey, you! Back there! I didn't know Neji had a brother!" Y/N said loudly as the girl jumped in fear. She looked reluctant to speak back but Kiba stepped out of the way to put her in the spotlight.

"H-H-He is not my brother, he is my cousin, a part of one of the Hyuga's branch houses." The shy Hyuga explained. 

"What? He isn't Hyuga royalty? He sure acts like he is." Y/N said confused at the other Hyuga. "Perhaps defeating you would show him, I can be treated like his equal." He continued as he readied his hands. The team readied themselves hesitantly as Y/N began to charge at them.

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