Foreword by the Author

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Substance abuse. Gang violence. Mental illness.

When I marketed this publication, the aforementioned is what I marketed this publication as containing. The reality is that this publication is not solely based on those phenomena - despite seeming to be - but rather it is equally based on the lessons which the aforementioned phenomena provided to me; lessons which are woven throughout.

Lessons which provide knowledge, wisdom, intellect, education, experience - irrespective of which term you utilise, they vaguely are defined as one-and-the-same in practice - and which have shaped me into the individual that I am today.

In 'Reflections', I aimed to provide some of those lessons in the form of a brief summary.

In 'Two Years, A Lifetime', I aim to spread awareness of how swiftly life itself can be swept from underneath you, how systems designed to protect fail and the brilliance - and slightly comical absurdity - of human resilience.

In 'Two Years, A Lifetime', I tell my story.

Two Years, A LifetimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang