2. Why?

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Note: hello again. There was a few mistakes in my last page ik. I'm sort of making this up as I go ngl. There was a bit of planning but, most of it was just a little bit scattered across the place. Again I am new to this and im just trying to do my best in grammar. I wrote the last page in about an hour cause I wanted to post sum but I will try post and take my time:))

Pov : Lake

1:23 PM

I was with Peter. Eating my lunch, staring at Milo. Not in a weird way of course, I just wanted to see if he was okay. I see Milo looking at the both of us, and he seemed quite sad. Peter, Milo and I used to be a trio in middle school. We had traded pokemon cards and watched Marvel movies until our eyes hurt. I realised it may have affected him that we were still good friends. Milo and I were a tad bit closer in middle school, it did hurt when we grew apart. I haven't talked to him in 2 years. In that time all I was doing was just focusing on different relationships that I haven't thought about Milo. There was eye contact for 4 seconds. In that 4 seconds I gave him a small smile. After those 4 seconds, he looked away and walked somewhere else.
"Hello?" Peter was waving his hand across my face to see if I was listening. I was not.
"Yea, oh sorry." I say turning to face Peter.
"Why were you looking at Milo? He's a traitor bro."
"I wouldn't say he was a traitor, we just grew apart."
"Seriously? The last texts he sent me were a 'fuck you!' And 'I hate you, you're a horrible person.' " Peter showed me his phone with the texts. I was stunned.
"What? No way in hell Milo sent those. He's too innocent, he can't even say shit without covering his mouth after. You must've done something." I replied. Still in shock.
"I think I did. I really don't remember. I searched through our old texts but there was nothing to create a big fight."
"Show me the texts again." I instructed.
He showed me the texts and the date was 'June 2, 2020.'
"Last day of school, and we didn't even go to school because of covid. We couldn't go to each others houses or do anything together." I kept trying to think but my mind couldn't process anything from 2 years ago.
"I remember the day after, we played minecraft after school for 4 hours but that's pretty much it." I kept chewing my sandwich slowly. I needed to think what had happened. Maybe it wasn't my fault, maybe it was Peter's? Who knows.

2 minutes has passed with me still chewing slowly and only swallowing one bite of my sandwich I waited 15 minutes in line for. My mind went poof. I forgot about the whole thing in just with the blink of my eyes. The bell rang and I wasn't phased by it at all, I let it ring because I was too focused on someone I haven't spoken to in 2 years. I wasn't even half way done with my delicious sandwich, that I wanted to eat but I didn't because of stupid Milo. I should've just let him go. I don't know. I keep chewing, everyone looked like a bunch stampede of horses. I realised. Why was everyone going into only one single direction?
"Oi. Dude" Peter taps me on the shoulder and shakes me.
"Wh- what's happening?" I quickly open my eyes back to the real world and not just to my intrusive thoughts.
"There's a fight coming on. Bro let's go, hurry up!" I didn't want to see a fight but he drags me anyway. I didn't know he was that strong to be honest. I was barely on the ground anymore. I nearly tripped while Peter was pulling me to the crowd. We pushed in the line. I have never been more squished in my life. I heard this girl squeal right in my ear. 'OMG LAKE TOUCHED ME.' I was flattered but, I had to admit, it was pretty weird. I heard more arguments about girls wanting to touch me then we squished passed more people to get away from them.
"Bro those girls are crazy." He laughed while I looked at him mad, and partly confused.
"Oh my fuck. Why are we even here Peter? I don't care about these stupid fights and you know that."
"Chill. Milo's in it the circle with 2 other people. I think you'd like to see him get beat bro." He was smiling.
I was taken aback. I was in furious shock. I didn't know what to do but, I jumped into the circle to save Milo. I had no clue what was happening, all I knew is I needed to save him. Oh why.

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