Chapter thirty-two: Stats's story

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"Hmm?" Keith hummed as he suddenly awoke from his slumber, looking out toward the mouth of the cave where the rain continued to pour. Lance was sitting up against one side of the cave wall while Shiro lay in his sleeping bag with Stats in his spot.

Hunk and Pidge were lying on the transformed Kiaion, who had his tails curled around them in order to keep them warm. The small bonfire crackled as it continued to burn away, being the only source of light in the dark cave.

"Keith?" Shiro asked as he sat up. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"'s nothing," Keith replied. "Go back to sleep, okay?"

"You sure?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Keith reassured.

"Well...okay," Shiro answered. "But remember-"

"I know," Keith smiled. "You're here if I need you."

Shiro smiled back at him before he soon lay back down in his sleeping bag while Keith stared outside...but then, he shrugged before he soon closed his eyes as he nodded off.

All the while, Stats was fast asleep on his little spot over Shiro's sleeping bag in the forest, usually his dreams were happy about whatever he and the others had done together that Things like traveling to location to location.

But tonight his dreams took him back in time, too long before he lived with the group, before he even knew Shiro...

Stats clung to his mother's back as she raced through a field. There was a rustle in the grass behind them. Stats glanced back and saw flashes of red and black stripes moving along the ground.

A head rose from the grass-it was a snake! It flicked its tongue at Stats as it slithered closer. Stats's mother hurried on, until she reached a riverbank. She gently placed Stats on a large leaf, kissed his tiny head, and pushed the leaf out onto the river.

Stats floated away from shore. His mother turned back to fight the snake, but he lost sight of her as the river carried the leaf forward, a few moments later, the leaf tumbled over a waterfall and splashed into a pond.

The leaf drifted to shore and Stats hopped off. He floated up the grassy field to a swamp and wandered among the field until he came across shadows. He ducked inside the field--and discovered they were actually people.

As he emerged into a clearing, he heard talking. It was the voices of a boy and a girl. The sound was coming from the clearing of the swamp. They were pretty arguments against something.

But there was someone else with them, a young man who was staring at the stars and Surprisingly discovered him, Stats was sure he would help him. He hurried to the rock to meet him.

But Stats had been followed! Just as Stats floated through the grass, the snake rose behind him and tried to clamp its fangs into Stats till he was stopped by a monster.

"Come out, I won't hurt you". he said, and as Stats came closer, his body started to glow and he said, whimpering in fear. "Stats!"

As he climbed onto his lap, he suddenly glow bright, "Oh," the young man yelled in surprise, "Wow, that's bright". Stats nodded as he felt safe and comfortable and soon the man gave him a snack to eat.

Stats ate the snack. "Whoa! You were hungry, weren't you?" He said, looking at the creature's appetite, "I wonder where you came from".

Stats snuggled in the crevices of the young man's lap, The creature's happy dream continued. He remembered how he and his new friends, Shiro and the others went on many, many, adventurers across the planet.

The samurai, An Legendary Adventure Tale Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora