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Marc and I walked out of the airport dragging our bags. The sun was at its peak and the driveway was very crowded. We scanned through a horde of cars and found the car which was meant to pick us up. We strode to the car and get in. The driver loaded our luggage in the car and started driving.

"Nothing has changed at all in these two years...Nothing but me." I thought to myself to myself as I looked out of the window. It takes us an hour to reach my house. Marc thanks the driver as we get off and we quickly enter inside.

The house is enveloped in complete silence. I knew Dad was on a business trip and so he wouldn't be here. Not that it mattered even if he was here. I lived for almost all my life here yet this house feels so foreign to me.

'Vee", Marc calls out. "It's okay. I am here, aren't I? "

"Y...yes... you are." I stuttered and tried to calm myself.

"Didn't you say there was a bakery near your house? Let's go and buy something." Marc said with a smile.

I smile back at him and nod in agreement, thankful for his distraction. Coming back here makes me realize that I can never go back to who I was. After showing him his room and freshening up we both head out.

The bakery was just a few blocks away so we reached it in a few minutes. Marc literally ran inside which made me laugh.

I entered the shop sighing at Marc's excitement to eat. But then again, I am not surprised. Marc is a total foodie and he always tries out food wherever we go. No one can come between him and food.

As we enter, we are engulfed in a sweet aroma and Marc goes from one counter to another looking at different pastries and pies.

"Choose whatever you want, don't dawdle around." I say stopping him.

"Then can I choose everything?" Marc questioned.


"Okay, okay" He mutters and bends down to choose.

I remember the first time I met Marc. He was just like this... always full of energy. I couldn't understand him at that time. I mean, I couldn't understand how he was still nonchalant with all that happened. But now I understand him and am very grateful because without him I would have no one.

"Levi?" I hear a woman's voice and look at the kitchen door near the cashier counter for the first time since we entered the shop.

It was Mrs. Brown the owner of the bakery. She was a petite middle-aged woman. She knew me well as I was a regular customer before moving out of this town. I saw another person beside her and I would be lying if said I wasn't shocked to see him here but I instantly turned my attention to Mrs. Brown.

"Mrs. Brown, how are you holding out?" I ask her with a smile.

"I am doing just right my boy. It's good to know you still love to eat sweets." She replied holding on to my hand. "Oh, look how cold your hand is. Make sure to wear more layers, okay?" she continued.

"I will, Mrs. Brown." I responded and immediately retracted my hands awkwardly.

"How many times did you come here that even the owner still remembers you, ha?" Marc questioned jokingly.

"Oh, dear he came in daily." Mrs. Brown replied. "Is he your friend or ...?"

"Mrs. Brown I am Marcello, his boyfriend." Marc answered with a smile.

"Oh really? Good choice Levi." She said and then turned to Marc "Oh look how handsome you are and you also like sweets I presume..."

Mrs. Brown was one of the people who new, I preferred guys over girls. And she whole-heartedly supported me. Mrs. Brown and Marc started conversing with each other. And what Marc answered was because that is our cover story. We were supposed to act as each other's boyfriend. It was a lame cover up but really worked since it's hard to explain why a guy who is not related to me always goes wherever I go. Since Marc introduced himself, I could feel two eyes staring at me from behind the counter but I ignored them and kept my attention on Marc.

Why is he working here of all places? I think to myself.

Why did I have to see him as soon as I am back? I knew I would be seeing him in school eventually. But I still wasn't ready to face him yet.

He pushed me as I tried to get closer.

"Stay away from me," he yelled.

"Why are you acting like this, Ian?" I asked him with my tears threatening to fall down my eyes any second.

"Just stay way," he said sternly and pushed me out of his house.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I suddenly smelt a scent from outside the shop bring me back from the memories that were too painful to remember. I frown and step out of the shop abruptly to follow it. After following it for a while, I enter an alley with a dead end. I look around but found nothing unusual. I jumped on the roof once again seeped my eyes over the place and still didn't see anyone else so I walked back to the bakery.

"Where did you run off to?" Marc asked me jokingly but I knew he was serious.

"Is everything okay Levi?" Mrs. Brown questioned worriedly.

"Yes, everything is fine Mrs. Brown."

"I smelt someone like us Marc." I said into our link.

He looks at me and replies, "Let's get out of here first."

"Mrs. Brown he's like this sometimes. Ignore him and please give me one of everything here." Marc tells Mrs. Brown.

Mrs. Brown chuckles and she start packing our order with him. After they are done, we collect the bags rush out of the shop with a short goodbye.

"Who was it?" Marc inquired as we got home.

"Don't know. Dead end."

"Do you think it's the one we were told about?" He said gravely.

"Hmn. Can't rule out the possibility of it. We better stay cautious."

"We have a weekend before we have to start blending in. Let's make the best use of these two days to scout the area." Marc stated.

"Yeah, we better get started." I agreed.

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So... Any thoughts? Did you guys like the first chapter? 

What do you think happened between Ian and Levi? What's all the mysterious vibes around Levi and Marcello? Share you views in the comment. Would love to hear your speculations guys. Constructive Criticism is always welcomed.

Would update the next chapter after I get enough views.See you in next update!


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