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2 years ago, England

I was walking in the woods behind the school I attended in England. It had been only two weeks since I arrived here. I felt empty to be honest. I didn't have any friends here either. Not that I blame anyone, I ignored most of the people here. Some tried to talk to me but I just ignored them so they stopped all together. I liked it in the woods, it gave me peace and no one was here to disturb me from wallowing in self-pity. So as usual I walking deep in the woods but some one hit me from behind. And that was the start of the end of everything.


For the whole weekend we scouted the whole city for the person I smelt outside the bakery. It led us to a house on the outskirts of the city but we couldn't find a trace of anybody there even after patrolling for the whole Sunday till Monday morning. We decided that one of should come by here daily to check up if someone comes by.

We went back home to get ready for school. After we reached school, we directly went to the office and were waiting for Mr. Grundy our homeroom teacher.

"Vee, what should we do after this assignment is over? Did he say it's our last one? I want to do so many things but..." Marc trailed.

I understood what he wanted to say. Can we really go back to what we were? I also thought that after we received our current assignment.

"I still can't believe he's letting us go" I replied

"Me too." He sighed. "Something just seems off."

I nodded back at him in agreement. I also have been thinking why would he let us go?

Soon Mr. Grundy came and gave us our schedules and we walked out in the hallway. He was just explaining us basic school rules when he called out someone. Someone I really wanted to avoid after seeing him on Friday.

"Mr. Wilson, why don't you show these two boys around the school today? They are new here.", Mr. Grundy asked him. I wanted to say there's no need but Marc beat me to it.

"It's okay Mr. Grundy. There's no need to show us around. Vee was a student here before. He already knows his way around here and he can show me around too.", Marc said with a smile on his face. But I knew he was messing around because he cared.

"Really? Well then..." Mr. Grundy starts but he interrupts him.

"Mr. Grundy, I will show them around. After all, even if Axel, I mean Levi was a student here, it was long time ago. He may have forgotten things, right?"

Axel...He was the only one who called me that. It felt so weird hearing him say that, but I also felt good. I would be lying if I say I wasn't surprised by the fact that Ian worked at Mrs. Brown. Surprised wouldn't even fathom the feeling that rushed through me that day. Both good and bad. Coming back to see him working where I worked? I had so many questions. Good for me that Marc was there or otherwise I am sure I would have not able to control myself from speaking to him. After all I am not here to reconcile with anyone. I just need stay away from him that's it. I shouldn't forget what he did.

"Okay then Mr. Tan and Mr. Bianchi, Mr Wilson will help you around today." Mr. Grundy said and walked away leaving three of a us in silence.

After five minutes of staring, Marc questioned, "Are you done staring at my boyfriend?"

I started at him wanting to see his reaction. How pathetic of me.

"What if I say No?" he replied surprising me. Did he still...

"Are you thinking that I don't know who you are? I know you are Vee's ex-boyfriend.... Oh wait! I think ex-fuckbuddies is a much better term, isn't it?" Marc said and that brought me back.

"Marc, you look hot when you are jealous but let's tone it down a little bit shall we? Let's head over to our first period, I already know the way." I muttered looking at Marc with a smile.

"Well lead the way then, love", Marc replied smiling back. I knew he was satisfied with what I said.

And we walked away without glancing back.

"He's really a shit head. I already didn't like him and now I hate him." Marc said turning to me.

"I hate him too." I said with a small smile.

"Yeah right." He snorted knowing I actually didn't mean it  and entered the classroom, me behind him.

"You must be the new transfers! Come on in and introduce yourselves." The teacher said getting up from her seat.

Not long after she spoke Ian walked inside.

"Mr. Wilson you are late again." The teacher bellowed but he ignored it went to sit at the end. She sighed and signaled us to go on.

"Hello everyone! I am Marcello Bianchi. I am originally from Italy but I spent most the years in London. I like three things- playing football for fun, tattoos and him." Marc said pointing at me in the end making me smile.

The whole class oooohed at that and one of the girls asked him if he had any tattoos.

"Of course, I do. But don't ask to show them cause' someone might get jealous if I do." Marc said side hugging me.

Some of the girls squealed and started murmuring within themselves. Marc is always a charmer. Everyone instantly comes to like him. And he is someone you could easily talk to.

"You have already started being narcissist", I said into our link.

"Oh, come on let me have fun", he said smirking at me.

"Okay thank you Marcello, the next one please introduce yourself."

"Hello, I am Levi Tan." I greet.

After a long silence the teacher awkwardly asks, "That's it?"

I nod at her. 

"Okay it's nice to meet you Marcello and Levi. I am glad to have you here. Now occupy the empty seats at back and let's start for today." She says pointing at the empty seats.

The only problem was they were just beside the person wanted to stay away from the most.

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Annyeong! Are you curious about what exactly Levi and Marcello are doing? Guess away, let's see who can guess it right. As always constructive criticism is welcomed.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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