Chapter One

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(Peyton's POV)

I wake up and look at the clock on the wall. 6 AM. Just in time to make everyone's food. I know what everyone likes. I don't even know why I have to make all the food. Oh yeah, they all hate me. Holy shit, I should really start thinking when I'm doing stuff. It's fucking 6:45 and everyone else wakes up at 7. I just started cleaning the pots and pans. "PEYTON!", I hear someone scream. I look behind me and see the fucking bitch that runs the place, Ms. Richardson. "Yes?", I ask. "There is a couple that are coming to adopt a child. Go get ready." After she said that, I could hear here say, "like you'd ever get adopted." What a fucking bitch, no wonder she can't get a boyfriend. I start going to my room when I remember I have to give the food to everyone. I didn't make some for me. I don't usually eat. Afterwards, I go to my room. I put on my Converse, my jeans, and my Klüb Ice shirt. I like Minecraft. My favorite YouTuber is SkyDoesMinecraft. His videos always make me laugh. I even love his fiance, Alesa. I wish I could meet them. I should stop thinking abd start going downstairs. I walk downstairs and on my way down, my bully, Stephanie, and her friends stopped me. "Uh, where the fuck do you think your going?", she says in that nasally voice of hers. "I'm going downstairs.", I say back. "Why? No one is going to adopt you and no one ever will. No one would want some nerdy bitch." "I may be nerdy, but I don't look like the fucking slut you are." Then, one of her bitch friends, Melanie, came up and pushed me. "Have fun living here for the rest of your life, while we get parents.", Stephanie says, laughing and walking downstairs. I get up and continue walking downstairs. When I get downstairs, I get to the end of the line. Then the interviews started. This orphanage is different, when someone comes to adopt a child, they go to a different room they could talk to each orphan separately. I should really stop thinking cause it's my turn. I enter the room and see two people I would never expect to meet. Adam and Alesa. "Uh, hi", Alesa says, "do you want to have a seat?" I nod my head and sit down on the chair. "Hi, what's your name?", Adam says. "Uh, my name is Peyton.", I say, "and I know who both of you are." "Really? Do you like Minecraft.", Alesa asks. "Obviously, look at my shirt.", I say, pointing at my shirt. "Ah, Klüb Ice is very nice.", Adam says in his Augustus voice. "I think we're done with are interview.", Alesa says. "Oh, okay, I'll leave so you can make your decision.", I say. "Okay, oh can you close the door on your way out?" "Sure." "Thanks." I close the door. I start thinking that they won't adopt me. They wouldn't. This isn't a fanfic. I start walking away to go back to my room. As I get to the stairs, I hear the door open. "My fiance and I have made a decision.", I hear Adam say, "We have decided to adopt... Peyton."

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