Chapter Two

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(Peyton's POV)

"What?" I say. Adam and Alesa want me as their child? Am I dreaming? No it can't be a dream or else I would be waking up by now, so this is real. "We want you as our child, Peyton.", Adam says. "You are just what we want in a child.", says Alesa. Before I could say a word, fucking Stephanie came in and said, "I think you said my name wrong, it's Stephanie." "No", said Adam, "I said Peyton." Stephanie got so mad that she punched Adam in the stomach. When she did that, I ran at her and tackled her down. "No one hurts my dad." I say while pinning her down. "Oh my god, that was amazing.", Adam said, "You are really fast." "Anyways, may we have the adoption papers?", Alesa says to Ms. Richardson. "And you", she said to me, "go pack your stuff, we're going home." I run back to my room, put all my stuff in my backpack, I don't have much, and run back downstairs. "Let's go Peyton, we're going", Adam says. I go to him and walk outside to see Alesa in the car. I go in the back seat and, as Adam drives away, I say goodbye to my life of misery and hello to my new, hopefully better life. (A/N: sorry for making this short, I'm just busy working on stuff on here, IRL, and on YouTube. But I'm planning on coming back, so stay tune. Baiii :3 )

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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