Heaven's Desire: How it Ends

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One rainy afternoon, I saw a girl with a familiar face. Her beauty drives me insane, she is Theodore. She belongs to the many girls that I left back when in school.

"Theo.." I called her name and she noticed me. We started a conversation and seem to have forgotten that I have a girlfriend.

"I don't forget you," Theo said to me and it makes me smile.

The conversation became daily through text.

Yes, I cheated on her again. When I saw little happiness, I was immediately trapped. She found out that I was cheating on her because of Theo. Theo informed her that I cheated, after that Theo disappeared like a bubble.

After what I did to her, she didn't talk to me for almost a week. She doesn't respond to my messages and apologies, she cries with full of sorrow. I saw her at her lowest, her face looked tired. She breathed heavily, that time I'm so afraid. I realized that I need to change for her, change for being who I am. My tears begin to fall down my face, I regret everything that I did. I can't lose her.

This thought ran in my mind.

On the 16th day of December, she finally forgave me. She accepted me again, she always did over and over again.

It poured my heart.

While I'm staring at her innocent face, I ask myself "How can I hurt someone like her?... How can I?"

I regret my stupidity, she hugged me so tight, then my eyes poured with tears. "Happiness is a choice.." She said almost whispered, "But don't you ever hurt someone for your own happiness..." She added.

She wiped away my tears, and kissed my lips.

On Christmas Eve, I realized what true happiness is. I realized everything, so I decided to go out to buy a gift for her. The gift that will change our lives, I planned to give this gift on my upcoming birthday.

Finally the promise day has come. On the 17th day of January a loud bang envelopes the whole place because of a heavy rainy day coming from thunder, "She's late." I murmured as I hid my phone in my pocket. It's already 11:30 but I've received nothing from her. My heart aches suddenly, that time I don't know what to feel. I'm worried as hell, the fact that something might have happened to her makes me nervous , especially since the rain hasn't stopped, instead it got worse.

I dial her number again and to my disappointment there's no response. "I can't take it anymore.." I whispered then grabbed my things. I was about to open my car door when I saw a silhouette, "Heaven?!" She was standing still in front of the restaurant with her usual Sunday dress but this time it doesn't look the same.

She was like an Angel wearing human clothes trying to guide someone and it makes me happy that I'm the one who wants her to be guided, "You're beautiful.." I whispered, she smiles genuinely then nods. I rented the whole restaurant. No one's here aside from the two of us and the waiter of course. She smiled happily as she stared at me, "Happy birthday Jiro." I was stunned as I heard her gritted me at exactly 12:00a.m I smiled and said thank you while rubbing my finger nails, I bit my lower lip to at least hide my smile but it won't work!

A couple of minutes had passed and she filled the black hole in my heart with happiness. We ate, we laughed, we teased each other, we sang, we dance and we encouraged each other until I realized something, something feels off.

Our conversation broke when my phone rang. She just nodded as I asked her to answer the phone call. I was about to answer the call when she said something, "I love you.." She chuckled softly when I was stunned, "I...I love you too..." I stuttered, "You're like a tomato haha.." I diverted my gaze and answered the phone. "I'm not blushing.." I followed.

I can feel the happiness in my heart despite of the nervousness that kept racing in my chest.

However, the smile shuttered by what I'm hearing. Tears started to fall like the rain which hadn't stopped. A loud bang coming from the thunder shocked my heart, who was tearing apart. I looked up to the table of the two plates that I ordered. Tears didn't stop. I almost ran out of food while the other one didn't have any bite. There's no other person here aside from me, "No this can't be...we we're just laughing a while ago.." I burst into tears to hear what the Doctor said for the second time, that time the things felt off.

On the 20th day of January, The questions in my mind were given an answer. This is the first day that I have been inside of the church with her. She is so beautiful in her white dress, as always. I stared at her face, and whispered, " You're so beautiful in white.."

On that day I see the horizontal crescent in her face, my tears fall down when I can't see her brilliant eyes. But that's okay, because she still looks beautiful even if her eyes are closed.

Heaven died because of a car accident.

That day when my birthday was held, that day when she fulfilled the loneliness in my heart.

That day when we celebrated my birthday together.

That day when I was going to propose to her.

The End.

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