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what's this i hear about you leaving Bryan the tiny voice squeaked

hi helpy he said nervousness in his tone

I'm just going on a vacation for a little bit nothing permanent

WHAT when did u decide to go on vacation?

well, it wasn't exactly under the best circumstances Bryan sighed helpy I need to go back to my hometown to help my sis she got into a bit of trouble and my parents dad called at like 3 am yesterday.

"But when were u going to tell us? she said"

"Not until the paperwork for the new apartment went through"

"New apartment' are you leaving fazbears! she said shock heavy in her voice

"no no no helpy I'm only going away for a little bit

"And how long would that be!?

"2 months or at the latest 4 months

"that's a really long time Bryan what about us were u not going to explain

of course, I was helpy you guys are some if not my closest friends I didn't want to tell you without being 100% sure that everything was going to go through, and I know how you guys react to stuff like this

what's that supposed to mean? she asked anger flooding her voice

well, you guys do tend to overreact to a lot of things 

oh yeah name one

well to start i asked if anyone had any rope and you instantly assumed i was going to hang my self and sat me down for a 4 hour talk about self-love or the time when i asked if anyone had seen anxiety meds anywhere and u assumed they were mine when u know Davis has anxiety and needs meds and he left them at the park

ok but those are us worrying about you and your health we can overreact about stuff like that if we think you're in danger she exclaimed.

and i get that but my point still stands u guys overreact and don't think i can take care of my self

i mean sometimes you can't

Bryan stared at helpy

ok if you don't trust me to take care of myself, I can take someone with me.

who cause Jon and Davis are busy.

know that I was going to take an animatronic

how we don't look human bryan

if you would let me explain. i have been working on something since the Afton incident.

what's that? asked helpy curious

this is an illusion disk i found some blueprints back in the old Pizzaria that never got finished this was one of them.

how does that help asked helpy

i was getting to that how it works is it sends out a vibration or sound wave that tricks your mind into thinking it sees something that what is actually there. and it affects how someone would feel. like say how lefty is covered in fur with his turned on you would see someone who looks human and if to say grabbed his hand or brushed against his arm you would feel skin and not fur but it can cause headaches if you leave it to long.

oh said helpy well who would you take with you?

probably lefty

why him?

simple he knows more about me, and he was the animatronic i have been using as a test for this device so it would fit him better than if i took molten or Freddy. 

oh, that makes some sense.

now don't go screaming this to everyone in the theme park if i know them like i do they won't be too keen on me leaving.

ok i won't tell a soul

thanks, helpy said Bryan as he zipped up the last of his suitcase

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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