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6 months later

Nothing for Mal seemed to be getting better. She rarely saw Ben anymore now that he was consumed with new king duties.

He would be gone from the time the sun rose to well after the sun set.

Evie was swamped with school, work, and her daughter. Her and Raleigh still had a thing going. She finally realized and acknowledged that she did have feelings for him. He was such a sweetheart, it was hard to not love him.

Blake was occupied with Kayla and Bryn, if he wasn't being a dance dad he was with Kayla on a date. Bryn had recently been offered a role in a ballet, Swan Lake. Though she was young they had so many rehearsals. It occupied most of her time when she wasn't doing her schooling.

Mori was basically a mom now to Gigi. Her life revolved around Gil and Gianna. Mal of course thought they were the cutest couple and little family ever but she just missed having her sister.

Paige and Tessa had decided to take the trip to meet their parents for the first time. They had been gone for two months and she didn't know when they would come back.

Jane and Lonnie were busy with their relationships with Jay and Carlos. Those four were either always together or with their respective partner.

Mal felt like no one had time for her anymore. She saw them at school yes, but they seemed to just only talk to her if they were together in class. Outside of school no one could hang out with her, call her, or even reply to her texts often.

She was just alone with her girls. The girls she was still scared of ruining. She felt so distant from them. Like she had no bond and offered nothing to them besides her milk.

They were beautiful though. Adira and Palmer both had Ben's brown hair and Mal's green eyes. They looked almost identical. Mal couldn't tell them apart but Ben always could. Another reason she thought she was the worst mother ever.

It didn't help that Audrey had came back with a vengeance after she healed from her and Ben's fiascos. Audrey was her bully now.

But hey! At least Audrey would answer her texts, and talk to her anytime. Even if it did break Mal down piece by piece.

Mal felt herself falling back into her depressive hole every day. It was getting bad. She never ate, she never slept.

The words started swarming through her head again: Fat Ugly Unwanted Unloved Slut

Sometimes it made her ball up and cry. Other times it guided her writings. That was one thing that never changed. When Mal felt the most she wrote the most. At this point, she had almost completely finished her first book.

It was about a depressed girl, who fell in love with a hot prince who's also a tourney player who healed her broken heart. Sounds familiar.

But at the end of the day she just kept wondering why she was still here, why be here if her boyfriend, her friends, the kingdom, and the twins didn't need her.

She was at her end with this. Part of herself just wanted to die again but she was scared of the embarrassment if she failed again.

So, she decided to retry her last plan. Run away. She thought that maybe if she changed her appearance when she got there they wouldn't be able to find her.

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