Chapter 14

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Duke heard some quick footsteps coming near the room, it slowed down as they got close. A child walked in and sat down on a chair. "Oh! This is my child June Bug" Cactus said. "Say hi!" June bug paused for a second then said quietly, "Hi." He then grabbed a book from a shelf and started reading it. "He's not much of a talker." Cactus looked at June Bug with a sad face then looked at the others. "Excuse me, can I go outside? I'm not tired and I know my way back here." Duke asked Cactus. "Of course! Duke- did I get that correct?" Cactus answered. "Yep." Duke smiled then walked out. He got down and saw little people there. He walked over to a beautiful statue of a person. Sitting down cross-crossed and holding there hands high to the sky like they where about to grab a star.

 "Beautiful, right?" Someone said. Duke jumped and looked over. There was a girl there with blond hair, a neckless with jade. A gray sweater, black pants and brown boots. "Oh! I'm sorry to scare you. Your the one who was traveling with Snake Rattler?" She asked. "Oh yea, and it's alright, people get scared." Duke answered. "I'm Duke Detain." He held out his hand. "Lioness" she shook his hand. "I guess your right, wanna know the history of the statue? It's very interesting." Lioness asked. "That would be nice" Duke smiled.

"Well, it's a statue representing spirits. Reaching high for the sky because before they go to something witch I forgot witch it's called.  It stands out at night sense when the stars come you get it more. It was also made forty years ago." She said. "That's cool, I never knew spirits where a thing before I got here." He looked up at the sky. "It seemed awesome that you die and still basically live but like ghost." He looked back at lioness. "Yep! Anyway, it was a nice talk with you, Duke. I have to go sleep now. I'm a medic so yea I have to wake up early. Have a good night!" Lioness smiled at Duke and walked off. 

Duke started walking around again and got to a BaoBab tree with lights. He sat down by the trunk and closed his eyes. Maybe Snake is right. Maybe I can't go back without dying. But this place is beautiful for the desert. Maybe I can stay here for a couple of weeks. Some thing with wings came flying down and stayed there. Looked like the Queen who told him out his little scar but see-through glowing blue. It looked at him and in a radio-like voice said:

 "Hello." Duke paused. "Are you-" Duke was cut off with it speaking. "Yes, Duke. I know everyone's names here. You made a friend today. I'm a spirit, I'm the 3rd one who watches over the tribes. It was interesting to see some new people come to this tribe. We haven't had people coming here for some time. Your from the city. Aren't you?" Duke paused again. "Don't tell anyone, alright? I am, how did you know?" He asked the spirit. "Well, your really bad at lying and your clothes say everything. Amur didn't care sense she knew she was going to die in the desert without anyone who trusted her anyway. You should go back." The spirit said then it wasn't there. "I guess I'll listen to you." Duke started walking back. It seems that he was getting a good start here. Maybe people where like him here.


Queen Onyx growled and stomped her paw to the ground of the treasury room. She then looked at the empty glass box. "HOW DID I TRUST HER?" Onyx yelled herself. "Now, the CROWN IS GONE AND SO IS MY ENJOYMENT. Alright! Calm down, Onyx. Your going to the council in a few days. Maybe that will calm you down. Just don't talk to Queen Abbys and King Hiems. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. I'm sorry, Queen Taipan. For being the worst Queen ever. Letting someone steal your crown. Nothing ca replace it." Onyx dogged her claws into the ground. Her eyes turning light blue. She was angry. Thirsty for revenge. She will get her paws on Snake. Kill him herself. Then it will all be over. 


He woke up. Blah. What happened? Hawk realized he was still in his animal form. Hawk shook his wings witch then felt like thorns all around him. "Hey! Don't move!" Someone said. He looked up yo see a human with a frown. "Why?" Hawk asked with a growl. "Because SOME of the hunters shoot you down thinking you where a vulture. You shouldn't be inside the sandstone territory when your a flying thing, also high up in the sky. Pretty stupid." The medic grabbed a long bandaid.  He wrapped it around Hawks neck. Witch had blood flowing down it.

"Who ARE you?" Hawk questioned. "I'm Oryx, you???" Oryx said sarcastically. "I'm Hawk. I shouldn't be here. I'm supposed to be with someone." Hawk growled. "Well I bet that person don't care anymore. You should stay here or you might as well die." Oryx snarled. You don't know me, do you? Hawk thought. Oryx looked away and Hawk got into his human form with a swoop of wind. But that was the wrong time sense Oryx quickly looked back. "I told you to-" Oryx paused. "MY SPIRITS WHY DO I HAVE THIS JOB." Oryx scowled at himself. "See?? You know what. Don't tell no one. I'm leaving. Funk you for being so rude, by the way." Hawk ran off. And Oryx was just looking off to space.

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