Tala's POV:


I slept through my alarms again. i was supposed to have a productive day today but i guess fate chose otherwise.
Today i was going to finally wash my hair and bake for my brothers and there friends. They have never come over before, i would say i don't know why but i do. it's my fault. i make things difficult.

i picked out some comfortable but cute clothes and slowly made my way to the kitchen.

i picked out some comfortable but cute clothes and slowly made my way to the kitchen

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(ignore the text 💀)

I filled up my hot water bottle and made myself some iced tea. I was not in the mood for anything to eat. I barely have an appetite these days anyway.

I started cleaning around the house, I'm not supposed to but i feel bad!! My brothers help me with everything, the least i could do is make the house look a bit presentable for their friends.

It's now about 2pm and i just put some cookies in the oven for them. I love baking, it makes me happy.

I need to mentally prepare myself for when their friends come over. I'm not very used to human interaction at all, my brothers usually do all the talking for me.

After about 15 minutes of doubting myself and panicking, the cookies were ready. Please appreciate my incredible timing skills. I bend down to get them out of the oven but i am met with a familiar pain in my abdomen. i hate this.

I take them out of the oven. Though the smell is incredible, it doesn't act as a painkiller as i hoped it would.

After my bath I braided my hair wich took a lot out of me. I have very long hair and it's a bit curly. Wich is not easy on my fingers. i changed back into my clothes and went downstairs to wait for them. it should only be an hour and i could watch a movie in the meantime.

I decided on the movie Rapunzel, Wich was always one of my favorites. It helps a lot that flynn rider is very pretty. I try to resist the extreme urge to close my eyes but unfortunately cfs got the better of me.

 I try to resist the extreme urge to close my eyes but unfortunately cfs got the better of me

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(this is the living room)

Ricardo POV:

I don't know why I'm going to these idiots home. They have been arguing the whole car journey and they won't shut up. Knowing how disgusting I'm scared to see what there home looks like.


After about 10 minutes of hell we finally made it. It actually doesn't look that bad on the outside. They have an apartment in a small two story house. It's very home-like i guess.

"This is it, our casa is your casa..?" Matteo said.
"That's not the right saying you dumbass."

here we go again.

"That's strange. she must be out??" said dumbass number 2.

We walk into the living room and i see a girl laying on the ground.
"SHIT!" Ahanou shouted as he rushed over to the girl "hey buddy are you okay??" "what happened?? she asked confused. she lifted her head and i finally got a look at her face. I knew they had a sister but my god i never knew she would be this cute.

Tala's POV:

I woke up to Ahanou comforting me on- the floor?? that's new. I look up and my eyes fall on a extremely tall and muscular man. he was very handsome.. my gosh.

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