Tala's POV

I stand up stand up quickly, but feel a horrible sharp pain in my abdomen.

"Hey hey calm down now, we don't want you getting more hurt now do we?" my brother said with a sympathetic tone.

"You're right I'm sorry..." i muttered, realizing that the tall man was still here. He walked over to me on the couch and held out his very uh- large? hand.

"Im Ricardo. These two idiots best and only friend." He said smiling.

I giggled "I'm Tala. These two idiots sister- Well- I'm ahanous little sister and Matteo's cousin, i just call him my brother." I rambled and muttered a "sorry"

"Don't apologize. There's no need for it." he uttered.

2 hours later.

Tala's POV

We are all currently sitting on the couch, watching an episode of the simpsons, however i can't focus as i can feel a pair of eyes staring at me.

I glance over to him and we hold eye contact for a moment. He has very pretty eyes.

Ricardo POV

We're all watching the simpsons together, however i can't focus.. There's just something about her. she's different.

I like different.

Her mesmerizing eyes start to flutter shut and i see her body relax a bit. Even when she sleeps she looks gorgeous.

She doesn't look at peace though. Her eyes are flinching and her small hands and holding onto her blanket for dear life.

ahanou and Matt don't seem to take notice of this.

I decide to take matters into my own hands as I get up and walk over to her, picking up her small frame. She visibly relaxes.

I decide to take her up to her room- only problem is that i have no idea where that is, i only know where the spare bedroom is as Matt had showed me.

Instead of invading her room or any of the idiots rooms, i decide to bring her to the spare room and i lay her down on the bed. I set up a makeshift bed for me and head downstairs so say goodnight to the boys.

After getting changed and brushing my teeth, i lay down on the floor- bed thing. It wasn't very comfortable at all but I'd rather her have the bed, she needs it more.

I wonder why she always looks in pain. and why she was on the floor- but I'm not one to judge.

After counting 15000 fucking sheep i finally fall asleep. Her eyes still lingered in my dreams though.


5 am
Tala's POV

I woke up to shouting and screaming.

It's not really my favourite way to wake up.

"OH MY GOD!" Matt shouted as he called over Ahanou.


that's when i realized.

I wasn't in my bed.

Or any bed for that matter.

I was currently laying on top of Ricardo's chest.


"Shut the fuck up both of you, you're going to wake her up!" Ricardo Scream shouted.

I get up and start apologizing repeatedly.

"I'm so so sorry, i promise i didn't mean to! Im pretty sure i rolled off the bed in my sleep and well- I'm so sorry!!!" I said, tears welling in my eyes.

This is slightly mortifying.

Ricardo's POV:

These two idiots woke her up. She looked peaceful for the first since I've met her but they just had to wake her up by screaming.

She started apologizing profusely and i see crystal tears roll down her perfect cheeks.

Now i feel like shit. I can tell her brothers do too as they look how you feel after you have taco bell.

they utter quiet apologies and leave the room, shutting the door behind them.

i feel like shit.

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