Best Fronds

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Pandora jerked awake, gasping and trying to catch her breath. "Holy mother of-- Guys! You're not going to believe this, I just had a weird dream where I was in this crazy world of talking frogs, where I met a girl who--Oh." 

But suddenly she stopped, realizing the presence of the Plantars and Anne in front of her. "Dammit, it wasn't a dream,"  Pandora whispered, but still loud enough to be heard by the other human.

"Yeah," Anne said. "Definitely not a dream, dude."

"Hey guys," Sprig greeted. "Sleep Good?" 

"Careful boy!" Hop Pop exclaimed, pushing Sprig away. "They could be hungry." He gave them a wary look.

"For your guts!" Polly exclaimed, hopped into her bucket, while she held a rolling pin as if it were a weapon.

"Dude, relax. We're not gonna eat something that clearly doesn't bathe," Anne said, pointing at Hop Pop.

"Yeah," Pandora agreed. "Besides, why would we eat someone who gave us lodging?"

"Fair points," Hop Pop agreed.

"See? I told you they were harmless," Sprig said.

"Hmph. For now." Hop Pop muttered walking away, Polly's bucket on his arm. But she hopped out off her bucket and stood on one of the steps of the ladder rungs.

"Just give me an excuse to use old Doris here," she threatened them with her rolling pin before turning and walking out of the room.

"I think the little one wants to kill us," Anne said.

"Don't tell me," Pandora said, sarcastically, before glancing slightly at Anne. "It's clearly obvious, that she definitely wants to do that."

"Yup," Sprig added. "So you two must be so excited to be trapped in another world. Very jealous."

"It's not all that. I miss my home and my things and especially... my friends." Anne said as she picked up a picture of her friends that she taped to one of the tree roots that ran through the house like a pipe. 

Anne handed the photo to Sprig. Pandora looked up slightly, staring at the photo and perhaps at them.

"Without them, I just feel kind of lost. You know?" Anne said, looking sad.

Pandora was now looking at the ground, apparently not paying attention to the two, but suddenly let out a light sigh. "I know how you feel, I mean I miss... home," she said, before giving a slight shrug. "Besides, it's strange to be here, you could even say that I'm delusional."

"Well, then, why don't I be your friend in the meantime?" Sprig asked with a warm smile much to the surprise of both of them.




"Come on! I mean you two are friends, right?" Sprig said. "Who says the three of you are a crowd?"

"One, literally everyone says that," Pandora said, before sighing. "And two, we're both friends."

"Really?" Sprig asked, surprised. "But you seemed to be friends yesterday."

"That was by circumstance," Pandora snapped, but paused, before sighing. "Look, long story short, we're not friends, we may be here together now, plus we interacted yesterday and the days before that, but the truth is we don't know each other."

"Well, who's to say you two can't be friends now?" Sprig asked them, to their surprise. "Come on. It'll be fun! Anne, what did you do with your friends?"

Another human in Amphibia (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now