Cane Crazy

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The next day, the two humans were inside, hanging out with Sprig, while they watched him go through Anne and Pandora's stuff, although the latter had to be convinced to let them do that.

"Wow, look at all this cool stuff!" Sprig said, before he picked up a toenail clipper. "What's this? Oh, I get it. Torture device."

"It could be considered one," Pandora said, before Anne nudged her. "What? I was just saying."

Anne rolled her eyes, before turning to Sprig. "Don't listen to her," Anne said, before taking the toenail clipper out of his hands. "That's literally just a toenail clipper."

"Oh, okay, okay, sure. Oh! How about this? What does this do?" Sprig asked, before grabbing an air pump and sticking the end of the hose into his mouth and starting to pump.

"It's painful."

"Why do you have an inflator pump in your backpack?" Pandora asked, but Anne just gave her a shrug.

Then Sprig turned to Pandora's backpack. "Hey, Pandora, what do you have in your backpack?" Sprig asked. "I can see inside."

"Yeah, sure. I don't see why not?" Pandora said, shrugging, indifferent to it.

Soon, Sprig took out a random item from the backpack, this being a Taser. "Oh what's this?" He asked, before accidentally turning on the Taser. "Woah." He said suddenly, looking at the sparks that the object created.

Until suddenly Pandora snatched it out of his hands. "You know what? I better get this thing off of you, before you hurt yourself," Pandora said. "Or die."

"Okay..." Sprig said, somewhat confused, before pulling out another item. "Oh now, what's this?" He was now holding what appeared to be a siren night light.

"Oh, that's..." Pandora said, shrugging, somewhat nonchalant about it. "A present that I think I had for an acquaintance of mine, or something."

"Sounds great," Sprig said. "And what was the name of this acquaintance of yours?"

"Hmm." Pandora said, turning her attention back to Sprig. "Oh, her name was Izzy."

"Well, well," Anne said suddenly, beginning to tease. "Seems like you had the sweet and cuddly in there somewhere, eh."

"Shut up!" Pandora said, clearly irritated.

"Oh, come on, I was just kidding," Anne said.

"Oh, and this," Sprig said, not paying attention to their conversation, while now picking up a pen and starting to click it over and over again. "Oh, I love this. It's amazing."

"You know what? You can keep it," Anne said, before a doorbell echoed from inside the house.

"Kids! Chow time!" Hop Pop shouted, from upstairs.


Now the four of them were sitting around the table, hungry and ready to finally eat.

"Time to eat! Time to eat! Time to eat!"

"Hold on, you kids. Hold on." 

Hop Pop slid the bowls across the table, but to the chagrin of the two humans, they both found a gooey, bug-infested goo.

"Ugh! Uh, you know what? I think I'm gonna pass," Anne said, pushing the bowl away.

"Yeah, I'm not hungry right now either." 

"Why? Is my food not good enough for the princesses?" Hop Pop commented, stirring his own bowl.

"No, it's just that—"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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