Chaos Ensues

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"You have to save Marcy." Andrias's cold blue fingers reached out grabbing onto my ankle. His eyes were pleading, full of regret and maybe even some fear.

"Don't worry..." I reassured, my hands gripping the hem of my shirt. "Everything's going to be alright. We'll fix this."

The reassurance didn't seem to help. And I started to wonder if it was for him or me.

"Please save them." Andrias repeated his eyes glazing over. The way he was becoming desperate started to set me on edge.

"I have to go..." Andrias didn't seem to register what I said— instead repeating what he said, over and over.

My mind flashed back to when we first infiltrated the castle.


"Marcy... marcy has changed. They aren't the person you know anymore." Yunan shifted nervously onto each foot her hand stretched out, as if to stop us.

"Neither are me and Sash!" I boasted out loud. We've grown so much there's nothing that can stop us now.

"No, you don't understand." Olivia cried out. Her eyes filled with fear. She was scared.


At the time I thought nothing of it, but now... What happened to Marcy? What did that thing do to her?

How did they even survive?

That question has been bothering me. I saw- them 'die'. I watched the light fade from their eyes as what I thought was their last words left their mouth. It was an apology, a freaking apology.

And now they were trapped in that thing. Forced to attack, hurt, and even kill people.

God, what have they been through?

I shuddered, looking back down at Andrias. His mouth still moves but no sound could be heard. His silent pleas left him only to die in the wind.

"I-" God, what was I supposed to say? Was everything really going to be alright?

My body ached as I bent over, grabbing onto his fingers and slowly lifting them up.

"Anne we have to-"

"I know." I interrupted Sprig. As soon as his hand fell to the ground he stopped his silent prayers- instead looking up at me.

Our eyes met, and I was shocked to find so much regret. So much time was lost to hatred and malice.

I couldn't forgive him, but maybe I can accept what he did. And move on. Maybe...

"Anne! Look it's Domino 2!" Sprig yelled out breaking our staring contest.

And sure enough, as I looked over Domino 2 was flying up to us. Landing softly.

Sprig jumped onto their back and I soon slid on as well. Every muscle was disagreeing with everything I did. But I couldn't care less, I had to make sure my Marcy was okay.

"Come on Domino 2! Get us up there!" I stroked their back and a small chirp was audible in response. And soon the wings lifted preparing to take off.

My eyes lingered back to Andrias who was now looking at the concrete ground. His gaze was lost. If it wasn't for his huge demeanor I would have thought he looked like a little kid.

Domino 2's wings flapped and we lifted into the sky. Racing towards the still-floating castle.

Sasha, please be okay, please.

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