A Perfect World

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"Dammit! Give them back!" I yelled, my voice ragged from all the yelling while we fought. Anne needed me to take down the shield. That was my job, but I can't even do that.

"We're so sorry strength but no can do. Marcy shall stay with us." The contorted creature lunged forward spinning the fiery hot scythe.

I barely deflected the blow with my pink heron sword. My breathing was getting labored and my skin screamed in agony every single time the blade came too close.

"I'm going to defeat you and free Marcy." I spat out liquid that tasted like iron. My whole entire body screamed for me to stop. To stop the strain and to stop this foolishness.

My eyes flicked back to Grime's fallen figure. His body was bathing in dark liquid coming out of the wound. It hadn't completely cauterized when the blade sliced his limb off.

"Ah, hope. You and Heart seem to hold so much of it. But look around Sashay~. We've already infiltrated your world and soon many more worlds to come."

"Me and Anne will stop you!" I again gritted my teeth. The creature was now circling me and I had to keep shifting in order to not turn my back towards it. Can't be exposed.

"Really? You believe you can defeat us?" Darcy stopped. All eyes trained on me, as it seemed to study me for a moment. Then it laughed, "Ha! Such faith in something that will never happen!"

"It will! Marcy will fight you and we'll free them!" My eyes narrowed at the contorted figure. Its limbs move unnaturally with audible cracks.

"Marcy can't. We have them under control." Its head snapped back only for a second then its eyes returned to me. "You want to know how? Do you want to know without a doubt Marcy will never help you?"

"Shut up!" I ran forward preparing to sweep the feet then go for the cord. But the creature simply dashed right, slamming its hilt into my side.

"Ooo~ Did I touch a nerve?" I wiped around refusing to give up despite the burning sensation taking over. "You know, it was actually hard to get Marcy under control at first."

"Refusing every fantasy I gave them. They always somehow saw past the illusions. Usually, we made a mistake making you two. The people they care about the most. They always noticed when you acted differently."

My heart clenched, but I refused to lose focus.

It's trying to distract you.

"Ah so of course we had to come up with a... creative solution." It smiled, green dripping from the small cut on its chin. "In order for us to make perfect versions of you and Heart we needed to create something completely based on you."

"An A.I. Something completely programmed to act like you in every way. But made so it would make its own decisions. A perfect replica."

"Of course, this wasn't perfect in any way. When we first introduced the world to Marcy they refused it. So of course we put them back into the dark. While allowing the A.I to run. Little tweaks were made, as the world we created continued."

The creature backed up, clearly not planning to continue the fight in tell it was done talking. Why was it telling me all this?

"This world was based on the real world a hundred percent. Well, expect the tiny detail that Marcy was saved." It chuckled as if it made a joke. "We even incorporated pain, actual feelings. Even so, when we allowed Marcy to 'awake' into the world again. They refused it. So of course they were put back into the dark. For more tweaks to be made."

"Even after we perfected everything and woke them up again, they refuse all sense of the reality being real. Which is interesting. Do you think, Sasha, that Marcy will refuse your reality too? Even if you save them, what if they refuse this world thinking it was an illusion? What would you do?"

The creature did the little twirl, its body trying to replicate smooth movement but it ended up choppy and inconsistent.

"Marcy will know it's real! If not, me and Anne will slowly convince them. Removing all of your influence!" I yelled, my body slightly shaking in anger. The damned creature just smiled then flicked its blade forward.

"Well then. If you are so quaint on your ideals then let's continue this dance girlfriend~."

"Shut UP!" I yelled as I jumped into a position. Close enough to make a swipe. Of course, it dodged retailing back in its own attacks. "Marcy will always know your reality is fake! Because whatever you do! They will never be able to feel things, touch things, or taste things! You devoid them of their senses! And that's how they know! It isn't just feeling that makes people feel real!"


I lunged forward again trying to disarm them. But my blade caught into the groves of the scythe and the creature smiled. Before pulling the sword out of my hand. I fell to my knees as fear gripped my heart.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Strength you have lost your touch. Where was all that enthusiasm from before." The slick black helmet lowered down, the sickening orange filled my vision as my heart raced. "We have to thank you Strength. If it wasn't for your little remark we wouldn't have gotten an idea. You are right, maybe the pain isn't enough. Maybe they need something more."

My body stiffened as the Core's words sank in.

No, Marcy will figure out it's a lie. There's no way...

"Sadly our dance must come to an end. We will admit this was quite entertaining. But we've grown bored." It pulled back, it's face stretching into a devilish grin. "And we don't like being bored."

The blade came down, I couldn't even scream as fire exploded all around me. It hurt, god it hurts so much.

My body slumped to the ground as I watched crimson leak from my chest. The burning sensation exploded more as I tried to breathe.

Was this how Marcy felt?

My eyes tried to stay open. My lungs screamed for air that would never come.

I can't leave. Not yet, I still-

What do I have to do?

Sometimes I forget...


I'm really tired.

The pain faded as my mind began to float. Everything Turing hazy then finally black.

Maybe I should rest.

"SASHA!" A voice screamed. I liked that voice.

But I want to sleep... I want-

Everything faded into black as strength ceased to exist.

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