CY and OCs

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A whole week ago...

CY: *writing this* *presses the keyboard faster*

Violet Lily: Can I ask why your in such a rush?

CY: *typing while answering VL and her questions* I want. To post. This as. Soon as. Possible.

Violet: Why?

CY: I don't. Want her. To wait. Too long.

Violet: Why?

CY: She's. The first. Friend I. Have on. Wattpad.

Violet: And that's a big deal because?

CY: *deadpanned* Stop. With the. Questions.

Violet: *smirks* Why?

CY: Your. Going to. Give me. Extra work.

Violet: *sigh* *stands up and walks to CY* Look I know it means a lot to you, *takes CY's phone* but why don't we let Creator CY the one that's outside the phone do the writing/typing?

CY: ...

Violet: Is she a good friend?

CY: Yes.

Violet: *smiles* She wouldn't want you to overwork yourself because of what you promised her now would she?

CY: ... I just want to do what I said.

Violet: I know. But let's let CY outside the phone do all the plotting and typing. Without having to stay up until like 3:00 am.

CY: Call me outside the phone "Creator". And isn't that normal for me?

Violet: It was until all those nights you only slept for 4 hours hit you all at once and made you wake up the next night.

Chase: *mumbling at the background* That's because she had a fever and it was actually- *looks at the two who had a deadpanned look* Looks like you don't remember.

(I do.)

(Yep, this is me *Creator* speaking/writing what I want to say while writing the chapters. *the writer and the one who has like God's view meaning I know all that's happening in this book cuz I'm writing it* Anyways let's get to introducing everyone, but wait before that as a welcome to this CHAOTIC BOOK a short random story is below before we introduce anyone.)

(And reminder, anything that happens in this short story is based on what I think would happen if our parents let's us do what we want. Meaning it's all made up of my chaotic illusions. Enjoy ❤️💜💙. *forgot to mention that this isn't part of the plot of the story I'm making and that it's just something that appeared in my mind*)



Chase: *at the backyard looking at his sister* What now? 😑

Bond and Nath: *behind the tree* Hehehe...

Chase: *sees the two* 🤨 What did you two do?

Bond: N-Nothing why do you ask?

Chase: *looks back at his sister*

Violet: OKAY YOU'VE ASKED FOR IT! *jumps*

Chase: *panics* H-Hey!

Violet: *thinking she's punching something while floating*

(Yep, she can do that)

Chase: Wha- *looks at the two*

Bond: *to Nath* Hey, are you sure this is safe?

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