Wizards before witches

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Luz was sleeping, having a dream. A wonderful dream, like no other she's ever had. A world filled with magic and wonder, and adventure. In the dream there was another girl with her, Titania. They both met a lady named Eda, and a cute little demon named King. They went to a crazy prison, freed prisoners and defeated the Warden.

Luz woke up, but didn't want to open her eyes yet. Not wanting to face the reality that she was at a 'reality checking' camp that her mom sent her to, and not the wonderful world that she discovered. Luz finally opened her eyes, expecting to find another bunk or something, instead finding a wall. In a rush she sat up, looking around her, realizing that that dream wasn't a dream! It actually happened!

King was laid down at the end of her sleeping bag, Titania was on the other side of her, still sleeping, surrounded by all her plushies. Titania was laid down on her stomach, snoring softly, hair a mess. Luz carefully got up, and went to the open window at the end of the room.

"Good morning, terrifying fantasy world!"

Luz wasn't expecting a giant green sea monster to say 'good morning' back. Luz closed the window and turned back towards the front of the room. Titania was sitting up, her hair a wild mess, hair covering her eyes and part of her face.

"Good morning Titania!"

Titania softly grunted in response, waving her hand a little. Luz walked towards her sleeping bag, where King was laying at the end. She picked him up.

"Good morning, you little cutie pie!"

She started giving him kisses on his face.

"I am not your cutie pie!"

"Yes you are!"

She put him back down onto the sleeping bag, where he stood on all fours. He collapsed onto the sleeping bag.

"I know."

Seeing as Titania left the room, her luggage was open, and her Hello Kitty backpack was gone, she quickly got dressed, but not before shooing King out. She went to the bathroom, where a Ladies restroom sign was hanging, with a piece of paper that said 'and King'. She knocked, just in case Titania was still in there. When she got no answer, she opened the door which sent two owls flying out of the bathroom.

She went into the bathroom and closed the door, still facing it but walking backwards, still shocked by the owls in the bathroom.

"Hi Luz!"

Luz screamed and karate chopped Hooty in the head.


Hooty started leaving the bathroom through the window.

"I was just wishing you a good morning. Geez. Hoot. Ow."

"Sorry Hooty!"

Luz noticed her Azura book on the bathroom counter. She picked it up and opened it to a picture of Azura.

"This is it, old girl."

Luz held the picture of Azura up to her face.

"Your first day on the boiling isles! As a witch apprentice! Hyah!"

Luz put down her book and left the bathroom, opening a storage closet across the hall. She covered her eyes and slowly opened the door.

"Please have witchy clothes, please have witchy clothes, please have witchy clothes."

She opened her eyes and saw the closet filled to the brim with witch clothes and accessories. She started doing a little dance.

"Yes yes yes yes yes!"

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