Chapter Two: Halloween Kills

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This one has to be the bloodiest and boldest one in the right ways.

This one should start out with Michael Myers escaping the burning Strode home and slaughtering the firefighters, a strong violent start to the film before the credits even start.

Next we cut to Officer Hawkins brought into his hospital bed alongside Laurie who had just come out of her surgery and is resting thinking The Shape has been defeated by her decades long plan.

By this point news is out that The Shape is back slaughtering the citizens of Haddonfield and this is where unplanned vigilantism is brewing but however I wanna go with the Frankenstein approach instead of people just mobbing in front of the hospital it's people going throughout Haddonfield trying to find Michael Myers and rid of his presence once and for all.

Micheal Myers would brutally massacre anyone trying to stop him in his path, from people unable to defend themselves to armed residents who act too slowly, get jumped by The Shape, or have a scuffle with the killer that brings their downfall.

Micheal Myers needs to be further terrifying in this sequel, moving throughout the town causing hysteria and looking unstoppable as his reputation of the boogyman further increases throughout.

Officer Hawkins backstory of how he failed to stop Micheal Myers would be revealed just around the middle of all this carnage and panic, showing that Loomis could've ended Michael had Hawkins not stopped him.

Laurie would try repeatedly to escape the hospital despite her injuries but is unable leaving her daughter Karen and granddaughter Madison to take the lead in going out to kill Myers alongside the survivors of the night Micheal first attacked Haddonfield.

The finale of the film should have the small mob of people brutally beating down Micheal, thinking they have an advantage over The Shape till he uses the element of surprise to completely slaughter them including Karen and Madison as Micheal escapes into the night beaten but victorious in his massacre.

Laurie is completely devastated when she receives the news, mortified her entire family was slaughtered on Halloween night by the one thing she spent decades trying to protect them from leaving the film on a somber cliffhanger.

This concludes my idea of Halloween Kills.

My Version of Halloween (2018-2022)Where stories live. Discover now