Chapter Three: Halloween Ends

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HALLOWEEN ENDS has to and must be the dark finale of the trilogy, the end of Micheal Myers and Laurie Strode.

Halloween Ends starts with several news stations reporting on the horrific massacre in Haddonfield revealing up to 62 lives were taken by Micheal Myers as militarized police pour into the town, sweeping the entire place as the sun begins to rise.

The Mayor is under fire all over social media and the community for not taking more serious measures to control the entire situation while Laurie lies in her bed devastated even with Hawkins trying to comfort her in her lowest point of life.

The FBI steps in as Micheal Myers is now considered the most wanted serial killer in the United States and must be found at all costs before he terrorizes Haddonfield again or another place entirely.

A town wide memorial is held for all the lives lost days after the Halloween massacre, Laurie and many others in the town want revenge for their loved ones but feel almost hopeless to defeat the Boogeyman permanently.

Months past as Laurie is dealing with depression and PTSD feeling she has nothing to lose as she becomes obsessed once again in trying to find out where Micheal Myers is in the country.

This is also around the time our surviving podcaster Aaron has recovered from his deathly encounter with The Shape, feeling immense guilt for Micheal Myers's rampage and sees Laurie again in her new home apologizing and wanting to make amends by helping her stop Micheal anyway he can.

Micheal Myers throughout the entire year haunts Laurie in her dreams and her perception of reality as he'll randomly appear in her field of vision like a constant reminder of fear and hatred.

This further fuels her desire to kill Micheal Myers once and for all even if she dies or goes to prison for it.

Micheal Myers on the other hand is killing random people throughout various parts of the region from homeless people to unfortunate victims of the night as The Shape's presence only grows as he bides his time for Halloween to strike again.

There is no copycat killer, moving on.

Around the time of October there's a different mood throughout Haddonfield.

Dread and Preparation.

There are more officers throughout Haddonfield now including several FBI agents who are led by their superior Ben Tramer, showing his first appearance in the series since the non-canon Halloween II.

Residents are watching over the streets cautiously for any signs of suspicious activity and especially above all Michael Myers.

The killings continue as Micheal Myers slips into Haddonfield once again outta sight, killing off randomly throughout the town till everyone is on full alert and the manhunt begins again for The Shape.

Laurie and Aaron take to the streets to search for Micheal Myers while Officer Hawkins and Agent Trammer team up on the opposite end searching for Micheal as well.

With such a tight lockdown on Haddonfield there won't be as many kills as previously but we'll place it around 19 kills in total from cops to residents including the Mayor and Madison's ex-boyfriend.

Micheal will clash against Hawkins and Trammer in a two v one battle that ends with Micheal being shot twice but The Shape tanks the hits and escapes away into the night leaving the two injured but alive.

The epic conclusion comes down between another two v one with Laurie and Aaron setting a trap on Michael as Michael is pinned from a bear trap and begins violently slashing and swinging at Laurie and Aaron, both getting cut and knocked back as Micheal manages to release himself from his trap.

Aaron comes in hitting Micheal with a barbed bat, hitting Micheal relentlessly till Michael plunges the blade into Aaron's side immobilizing him from the fight as Laurie continues the fight with Michael with all her strength and a kitchen knife just like the killer.

Laurie stabs him several times, reminiscent of Micheal killing his sister decades prior. Laurie removes his mask seeing the old scarred yet emotionless face of Myers, the "man" responsible for the death of her friends and family.

With a last slash across his neck, Micheal Myers was defeated at the hands of the one victim that got away from him in 1978, Laurie Strode.

Aaron goes to the hospital while Laurie alongside groups of Haddonfield's residents take Micheal's body to a garbage grinder, watching the killer's body turn into bloody pieces before the officers arrive.

The last shot of this story is Micheal's burning mask in a fire created by the people, looking akin to a Jack O' Lantern shown throughout the credits.

This concludes my version of Halloween Ends. I hope you enjoy these ideas and let me know what you think in the comments and how you would do things differently.

My Version of Halloween (2018-2022)Where stories live. Discover now