Bloody Garden

17 1 6


My Nan was my world, every weekend and school break I would be over at her house, and help her with her garden.

I remember once for my birthday she had painted a sign that read,

                    Charlotte's Garden'

Years later I still would visit my nan to help with our garden,
so you could imagine my distraught when I heard she had died in the middle of the night.

All alone.

I would still go to her house to fix up our garden.

I started to spend my weeks there, tending to the garden.

Months went by as my friends and family started to grow worried for me, I don't understand why so.
I was perfectly fine fixing our garden.

Over time the soil started to dry out, and our plants to die.
along with our garden.

We didn't have any more fertilizer for our garden, so I searched around the internet wanting to find an answer to my problems.

Then, I found something most interesting.

To help with our garden.

A friend of mine came to my nan's house as one normally did every week, hoping to talk to me about my life choices.

I offered them some tea and fresh bread. I grabbed the rusted bread knife as my friend sat in the chair facing away from me.

They started talking about something unimportant,
as I walked up behind them, slowly pulling the knife up to their neck, applying slight pressure. 

I mixed the liquid with some tap water and hoisted the bucket put to my chest, wobbling over to our garden.

I poured the mixture over the plants watching the diluted red seep into the soil.

Anything to keep our garden sacred.


-Word count: 267-

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