the unexpected nanny

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You were running out of time. Your current nanny, Gracie, was indefinitely leaving you to go off to grad school. Stupid grad school. You were happy for her, but you were just losing one of the best nannies you've come across in a long time. And having to leave your son in the hands of another stranger was giving you anxiety.

Seven interviews later with a string of nannies, no one was jumping out at you. Gracie had given you a name of a friend she thought you'd love, but you were reluctant when you saw the name.

Jeon Jungkook.

His resume and references were impressive, but a guy as a nanny? You'd heard too many bad stories and listened to too many true crime podcasts, making you uncertain about choosing him.

"You'll love Jungkook. He's great with kids. He's currently in-between jobs as a teacher, so he asked if I had any leads. I told him I was leaving my current job and asked if he'd be interested. Give him a shot, boss, or at least a trial run with Ha Joon."

You groaned when you gave his resume another glance. Maybe you could go with the second person you interviewed, only she did have a weird thing about not cooking. Okay, scratch that. Shuffling through the other resumes, you looked at the last person you interviewed, Sun-Hee. Thinking back, you really liked her - except that she made a face when she discovered that Ha Joon was conceived through a sperm donor and not the traditional way.

"Mommy," Ha Joon stood beside you, tugging your shirt, "Did you find someone to watch me yet?"

You wanted to lie and say yes, but lying wouldn't solve your nanny problem, now would it? You peered down at the cute little face. "Not yet, baby."

"But, mommy, if you don't find someone, you'll have to take me to work with you." His tone was almost joyful.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?"

Ha Joon grinned. He loved going to work with you, but your boss would be livid if you turned your office into a daycare. So you motioned for Ha Joon to climb onto your lap as you spread out the resumes.

"Okay, Ha-Joon-ah, take a good look at these pictures. Since it's very hard for mommy to choose, why don't I let you pick who you would like to hang out with while I'm at work."

His eyes widened in delight. "I get to pick?!"

You nodded, pressing a kiss to his head. You were taking the easy way out - forcing your child to choose his caretaker. That's great parenting, right?

Ha Joon carefully peered at each piece of paper, squinting his eyes. His little index finger tapped the side of his chubby cheek, going hmm as if this was a tough decision for him. He picked the no-cooking nanny and put her back down, then he picked up the judging nanny and shook his head. At last, he came across Jungkook's resume and looked closely at his picture.

"Why does he have a ring on his lip?"

He what? You examined the photo of Jeon Jungkook. Oh god–he has a lip piercing? What kind of teacher was this guy, and Gracie vouched for him?

"Um...Sometimes people like to get certain parts of their bodies pierced, and it looks like he got his lip pierced," you said sheepishly to your son.

"Cool. Can I get my lip pierced when I get bigger?"

You let out a dry chuckle. "Of course, you can–but only if you eat all of your vegetables and clean up your room!"

Ha Joon groaned at your proposal. He mumbled okay.

"So... who's going to hang out with my little man while I'm at work?"

He peered up at you, grinning from ear to ear, pointing to the one person you feared he'd choose. "This guy."

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