the wish list

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You stayed up the night before hand-crafting twenty-five Valentine's Day cards. Ha Joon's teacher was adamant about each card being 'filled with love from the heart.' You weren't going to argue because you had been lacking in your volunteer hours, and this was your way of making up for it. The dinner table was covered with glitter, foam rainbows, and googly eyes (Ha Joon's choice, not yours). Your child really was his own person, and it was fun to see him come into that.


In the morning, Ha Joon shuffled into your room, grabbed a hold of your duvet, and pulled it off you, causing you to groan at the cold air hitting your bare legs.

"Mommy–I can't find my pink hat."

"Mm. Pink hat? The Kirby one?" you asked, your opened eyes still half asleep. Ha Joon shook you by the shoulders, trying to get you up. "Okay, okay. I'm up. I'm getting up."

You propped yourself up, narrowing your eyes at the little man before you. "Ha Joon-ah, did you get dressed by yourself?" He wore a pair of black sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and a green shacket. You had to give to the kid; he had style.


"Yes, baby. What?"

"My hat!"

"Oh, right." You shook your head. Kirby hat, Kirby hat. Where could it be? Where had you seen it last? "Oh! I know where it is!" You quickly stood, running into the living room.


You yelped, jolting your body back from the familiar voice, then you realized you were only wearing a pajama shirt, undies, and fuzzy socks. "Ah–Jeez," you cleared your throat. "Morning, Jungkook. I wasn't expecting you so early." You flashed a smile, trying to be nonchalant while covering up your chest. February in Seoul was freezing, but you didn't like going to bed with pants on, so this was your normal getup. Maybe it was time to start thinking of a new set of sleepwear.

"Cute..." he gave you the once-over. "...jammies." Jungkook snickered at the shirt that said, 'let me sleep.' "I texted, saying I was coming over since I had an early day at the gym, but I guess you hadn't seen the message yet."

"Sorry, yes. I just woke up because I was up late last night finishing up Ha Joon's Valentine's cards."

Jungkook had become accustomed to you and Ha Joon, making himself at home when he was over. He slurped the last of his cereal before speaking, "They look great, by the way. You have a real knack for glitter and googly eyes."

You rolled your eyes because he was just being nice. You sucked at anything crafty. While other moms got to stay home and learn new hobbies, you worked to provide for yourself and Ha Joon. Once you tried crocheting, and it was bad all around because you had such a hard time following the patterns, so you gave up, but gluing and glitter—piece of cake, or so you thought.

You beamed a thin smile and blinked at him. "We haven't known each other for that long, but I think I know when you're lying."

Jungkook laughed. "I'm not lying," he said as he stood, heading over to the kitchen sink and setting down his bowl. "It's cute, and I'm sure all the kids in his class will love it."

That Jeon Jungkook was a sweet talker, alright, but you knew what looked good and what didn't.

"Mommy," Ha Joon walked in on the conversation, "did you find it?"

Ah, right, that's what you were doing before Jungkook took you by surprise. You looked around the room, searching for the neon pink hat. "Found it!" you exclaimed, running over to the basket of toys in the corner. You picked it up, waving it in your hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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