the blind date

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a/n: there's a spoiler for the netflix k-film - 20 century girl


It's been a month since Jungkook became your nanny. To your surprise, he's been nothing but excellent with Ha Joon. You've never seen your little boy so happy in his life.

Your brother Wells applauded you when he learned you hired a male nanny. "Wonder if his willie is big," he teased while washing the potatoes in the sink.

"Oh, quit it, will you? He's my nanny."

"What?" he shrugged. "Who says you can't fuck the hot nanny? People fuck their pool boys all the time."

You glared at your brother, lifting your foot to kick his butt. "Hurry up with the potatoes. The curry is starting to boil."

Was Jungkook good-looking? Why yes, anyone with eyes would undoubtedly agree, but he was your nanny who took care of the most important little person to you. He wasn't someone to sleep with, and you'd cry if you had to find another nanny again.

You shook off your brother's comment. "What's going on with you and Jimin anyway? Thought you guys were going well."

Wells clicked his tongue. "Jimin wants to be friends with bens. Jungkook can join us if he wants," he grinned, "The more, the merrier."

"Wells, keep your willie out of my business and Jungkook's, please." He's been the next best thing to Gracie, so you did not want to ruin your working relationship with him.

"Fine-I can't guarantee he'll keep his off of mine, though."

You turned to your brother, smacking his shoulder. "Stop before Ha Joon hears you."

Wells came over to hang out with his one and only nephew for dinner while you went on a blind date. It's been months since you went on a date but figured it was time to start dating again. Dating was hard because many guys were turned off because you were a single mom. You loved being a mom but knew it would come with its difficulties. Again, you loved Ha Joon, but you had to admit you were lonely and yearned to be intimate with someone.

"Ha Joon-ah!" you yelled before returning to stir the curry before it began to stick to the bottom of the pot. If there was one food item you could perfect, it was Japanese curry, reasonably easy to make, a dish that was hard to mess up. "Dinner's almost ready, baby!"

The shuffling of Ha Joon's little feet could be heard from down the hall. He appeared with his favorite costume of the month - Iron Man. You'd pin it on Jungkook for his influence on costumes. The outfit was far too small for him, the thin polyester halfway up his legs and arms.

"Baby, we need to buy you a new costume soon."

"Mommy," Ha Joon whined. "I still fit this one." He peered his little head up. "What's Uncle Wells doing here? Where's Jungkook?"

"Remember Uncle Wells promised to hang out with you today while mommy goes out. We have to give Jungkook a break, too, right?" You looked down at the cute little face.

"We're gonna have so much fun, right, bud?" Wells turned to him, dropping the cut-up potatoes in the pot.

Ha Joon groaned. "But I want Jungkook."

"Mommy does too--" Wells mumbled under his breath, but you heard him, then gave him a death glare.

"You'll see Jungkook on Monday, okay? Then you two can play to your heart's content."

"I guess," Ha Joon pouted, dragging his feet over to his seat at the dinner table. He plopped his arms on the table and nuzzled his head in between, kicking his feet underneath. You sometimes needed help understanding where he got all the sass - maybe from his Uncle Wells.

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