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        The light from the end of the alleyway was bright in contrast to the rest that was coated in shadow. It gave his fur a glowing look, turning it into a shimmering meadow in midday, specked with golden flowers. His small yet pointy horns were like two suns that radiated, and it made his raggedy clothes seem like they were replaced with velvet cloth. His large eyes were as equally stunning. Droplets of water straight from the ocean replaced what should've been his pupils, and a lagoon of pale blue surrounded it.

He was sitting at the very edge, close to the civilization outside yet not quite. His eyes were blank, thinking hard yet not looking as if he was thinking at all.

He seemed almost lonely.

I was hesitant to let him know I was there at first. I didn't know this person, nor did I know what they would do if I approached them. Would they run away? Or worse, attack me? I didn't even know what he was supposed to be. All the other animals had clear definitions to them, and you can tell just by looking at them and know what they are. But he was something I had never seen before. It was more like he was a mixture of multiple; possibly a sheep and a cat? It wasn't really that nice to assume anything anyway. He was obviously a person, like anyone else.

I decided that since there was no other way out and I didn't want to risk going out into the crowded street again, it wouldn't hurt to see what he was like. After all, there have no crimes been committed in this city anyway, so what was the worst that could happen?

"Hello?" I called out. It came out as a low, cautious tone.

He didn't seem to hear me. Which was expected, because he seemed very far away. I approached closer, more slowly this time, and spoke in a louder but not demanding voice. I didn't want to make him think he was doing some crime.


He jumped very hard and whipped around to stare at me in shock. I had most definitely snapped him from his trance. He said nothing, but he stood up in alarm.

"Hey wait, sorry to disturb you. I was just, uhm, taking a shortcut back to my house and I just happened to notice you. Are you doing alright?" I attempted to copy my mother's concerned voice, and it kind of worked. He kept his eyes on me and looked slightly less alarmed. He seemed to get the gist that I was not much danger.

"...Who are you?" His voice was smooth and low, almost beautiful.

I calmed myself as well. I was also treading carefully because I was unsure of what he would act like, but he was just as wary as he was of me as I was of him.

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