Please Stop

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So me and @ash_3827 are writing this book together and we are really proud of how it is already coming along and we can't wait for you to read and hear what you think!

Major Trigger Warning: This chapter mentions a lot of abuse towards a child in all different forms so if that triggers you then I don't think this will be the right book for you

Leah Halstead was only young. She was 11 years old. But she had gone through more abuse in her whole life already then anybody should ever have to let alone as a child. Leah parents were separated but she lived alternate weeks with each parent. She thought she was an only child but she secretly had 2 older brothers, Jay and Will, but she didn't even know they existed as her parents had never told her. However all three of them lived in the same city, Jay lived only about half an hour away from her house and Will lived about 45 mins from her house. Leah had had a tough upbringing. Her dad was an alcoholic and her mum was a junkie. Now the thing was Leahs mum only had one child which was Leah so that meant Jay and Will and Leah all shared the same dad but not the same mum. Jay and Wills mum died when they were little from cancer so they don't really remember her and then as they got older they moved out and their dad remarried to Leah's mum and then they had a kid but that was a big mistake because after a year of Leah being born the pair split and got joint custody but neither of them really wanted a kid. They just used her as a punching bag. Her parents made the decision not to tell Jay and Will about Leah as they didn't want her anyways so they thought what was the point in telling anybody about her. The pair of them used to punch, hit, smack, kick and stand on her and that was just the beginning. The abuse started when she was only 3. Whenever Leah went to school she learned to cover up the bruises so no one ever noticed and she learned not to say a word to anyone as her parents threatened to kill her if she did. However as the abuse started to get much worse Leah started to struggle more and more in keeping quiet as she was in so much pain until one day she bumped into someone who was about to change her life for the better or for the worse?.....

As Leah returned home from school a pit of dread formed in her stomach. What would her mum do to her this time. She hadn't done anything but that didn't matter.

Leah opened the door and was met with instant shouting.

"Where the hell have you been" her mother shouts.

"I.. I.. was wal..king home" Leah stutters.

"Yeah yeah, you were probably doing god knows what, you know what I don't even care, get upstairs now!" her mother screams.

"Please no" Leah begged as she knew what her mother meant by that. "I...I promise I didn't tell"

"NOW" her mother demanded.

Leah reluctantly walked up the stairs followed by her mother who pushed her so hard she fell over. Leah could tell she was high. "Please don't" Leah trembled, her small body shaking on the floor as she curled up into a ball.

Her mother ignored her as she started smashing things up around her room. Glasses were thrown against walls, posters ripped down, stuffed animals ripped to shreds. One of the glasses hit Leah in the side of her head. "OW" cried Leah. That was a mistake.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY" her mother shrieked.

"Nothing" Leah sobbed but it was too late. Her mother hit her so hard she saw stars. She pulled Leah's hair so hard some of it came out in her hand. She continuously kicked her in the stomach despite Leah's desperate cries and pleas. She then slapped her again right where the glass had smashed against her face and she then stood on Leah's abdomen right where she had been kicking her laughing at how much pain Leah was in. "NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK. YOUR NO DAUGHTER OF MINE" she spat as she walked out of the room and slammed the door behind her leaving Leah on the floor practically unconcious.

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