eyeless Jackie

92 4 3

Y/N pov

After getting comfortable in this place and a good night's sleep I hear my door creak open before I can even sit up I felt a heavy weight on my chest I open my eyes


A scream as I see

Jess leaning close to my face her boobs on my chest I push her away before getting up


Jess with her ever so present smile simply answered

Jess:Thinking how I should kill you if you try anything funny with Sally

Y/N:........ What are you talking about?

She swiftly pulled out one of her knives and pointed it at my neck

Jess: don't play stupid I saw how you were looking at Sally yesterday

I backed up a little bit against the wall

Y/N:h-hey we're both still just kids you think I would try something with her?

Jess then got close to my face glaring her eye

Jess: maybe, after all I only met you yesterday I have no idea what you're capable of and I won't let you hurt her

She got out of my face and left my room

Y/N:.......... What a bich

Suddenly a knife zooms past my head cutting my cheek and inserts it's self in my wall from my still open door I hear


After that she left for real giving me time to get my stuff and set it up I didn't get to last night

Y/N: all right now as I needed the Wi-Fi password....

Slenda:oh hear you go

Suddenly a piece of paper with the password to the Wi-Fi is presented to me I happily take it

Y/N: oh thank you....

That was before I realized somebody was in my room


I turn around to see slenda causing me to relax

Y/N: oh geez I forgot you can teleport

She let out a cute giggle

Slenda: sorry about that's kind of a habit

I quickly check the time not close to feeding time yet so I have plenty of time to get stuff done in my new room before it becomes nightfall and I have to take the big guy out for a hunt

Y/N: so do do you need anything from me I kind of want to get some stuff done.

Slenda: no nothing as of now

She then disappeared within the blink of an eye

Y/N: that's going to take a lot to get used to.....that

As I was strapping up my gear and changing into my good clothes I could have sworn I heard light breathing so I quickly turned around


There was nothing no one there so I grabbed my crap and went out into the Hall didn't see anyone either this place is really strange and I don't mean the murderers and supernatural beings they're just weird

Y/N:Slenda!! I am going out!

I didn't get an answer I simply shrugged and went outside as expected hiding around the house and in nearby woods was the big guy

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