Rise of the Turtles Prt 1

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~Narrator's POV~

-Beep- -Beep- -Bee-

Everyday is the same routine. Wake up from my alarm, get ready for school, feed my pet skink, the whole shebang. I sat up from my sleeping form. My hair in a large mess, indicating I had the same dream again. *Sigh* Third time this week.

I got out of my bed and struggled my way to the bathroom, to start my morning routine. I tiredly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I stared at the mirror and saw a very badly blurred image of a ghostly pale person. I wasn't wearing my glasses. I found my glasses on the counter and put them over my eyes.

My vision quickly cleared, as I looked again. I saw a ghostly pale Caucasian-American girl, with short brunette hair, and amber-brown eyes. I checked her teeth. She had small fangs and a cute gap in the middle of her upper central incisors. The whole inside of her mouth, tongue and uvular, were shades of light blue.

Around her eyes, I saw very dark rings, indicating years of no sleep or crying

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Around her eyes, I saw very dark rings, indicating years of no sleep or crying. I've been crying in my sleep again. I definitely had that dream again.

Oh, forgive me. はじめまして. (Hajimemashite/Nice to meet you.) My name is Eleanor Tang Shen Hamato. But, my friends call me Ellie or Elle. I'm 14 years old and I'm just your normal high school student from New York.

Well, I'm not really. No one is actually normal, are they? I'm of Japanese-American ethnicity, although it's hard to see. And I'm the youngest of two daughters. Well, the only daughter now.

You wanna know about my dream? Well, okay. It's like every time I have this dream.

I'm at a garden house, in Tokyo. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. A man passes by me. He turns to apologize, then leaves. He looked like my uncle. Inside the house, I meet a woman. She was very beautiful and very kind. In her arms was a baby girl. She looked just like her mother.

After meeting the woman, everything started going downhill. The house caught fire and collapsed. The woman died in the collapsed house. The baby taken away by a shadowed figure. The man survived, but depressed by his loss. Finally, everything around me goes black.

Once everything cleared, I find myself in an alley of New York. In front of me are four boys, wearing different colors, brothers by the look of them. They were always in the same order; blue, red, purple and orange. Behind me is a tall man in metallic armor. I knew this man well. So much hatred and suffering in his eyes and his voice... I couldn't see the boys' faces, but I still remember the boys as clear as day. I wonder why.

The boy in blue reaches out his hand to me. I felt like I could trust him and his brothers. As I begin to move, the man begins to dash toward me. I wake up as soon as I touch the boy's hand, and the man got his claws on me.

Anyway, back to my life. I got dressed into my casual attire, which consisted of my black-framed glasses, a white collared shirt, with black buttons, under a black dress. A black leather choker with a turtle locket pendant. Black leggings and dark grey boots.

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