Part 1 Wrapping up India (more like Capsule Monsters board game)

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Hi I am Yugi Muto the King of Games.

Now hold on I don't even want that title no more.

Never ever.

So why I sudden say that title?

No way leave that to other me.

So basely my trip to India is just a Capsule Monsters board game all along!

I didn't want to mention Shadi or Alexander the Great that used to use the Millienum Ring for power.

My ex friends and grandpa came along too.

After all that wrapped up finally we can go home to Domino City.

We did I just we?

Not much for me now.

I missed my friend so much since we departed.

I did write a journal for him but forget to write the postcards!


How can I forgot about them??!

Darn it!

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