please for the love of god dont read this shit

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So listen it's 2022 now almost 2023 and I literally want to blow my brains reading this shit. I don't know what 14 year old me had going on but it's disgusting, I'm 19 now and I don't remember ever being that obnoxious. I mean that's probably because I loved trying to paint myself to be a funny little bitch on the internet but I promise you I was not like that in real life.

Honestly I want to punch little me in the face. I mean to be fair i'm still annoyingly obnoxious and I still have shit grammar skills, but that's not what matters rn. We're talking about little me, little me wanted so badly to be cool and she was not, like not at all. I give her props for trying but if anyone ever finds this "book" i'm digging myself a whole in the ground and I will die in it. First of all what was with the constant mention of hot fries, makeup, and fucking youtube????? I mean I still like those things but shit not ever word I said needed to be a detailed backstory on why I loved them so fucking much.

I am very sorry for subjecting anyone to having read this dumpster fire, if anyone did. We are just gonna pretend this never happened and go on with our lives. Also not that it matters now but that "boyfriend" I got back with him multiple times, and since i'm seriously hoping no one reads this i'm going to admit my character flaws. Yes, I went back to him many times just because I was bored and I new he would take me back because he was obsessed. No, that's not me being conceited he legit was obsessed like dating another girl with my name after. He kept continuous contact with one of my family members and talked to her about me 24/7. Also I mentioned before it was long distance, after we broke up he only ever talked to other women in my states and they were only ever maybe a single county away form me sooooooo if that's not obsessed than I don't know what is.

But back to it, yes i'm a bitch for playing with his feelings but like I said i'm admitting character flaws. We've gotten way off track, like I said still obnoxious. I have to ramble my thoughts when they come, i'm a manic depressive person so there's no filter on my brain whatsoever. Anyway we've gotten the basics, we all hate little me and i'm still an annoying asshole.

I'm gonna leave this off at that point and hopefully never will I ever return to the fucking dystopia that is this "book". I should not be allowed access to writing platforms. Something about just makes me want to pour the entire contents of my brain onto it.

Goodbye forever (hopefully). I'll leave you the way little me used to😭

Adios bitches and male bitches (AKA mitches)

Kill me now....... please

I wrote this when I was 14, it's a dumpster fire.Where stories live. Discover now