What's up I'm jared, I'm 19 and I never learned how to fucking read

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What's up. I'm back and better than ever! So it's 1:22 pm and I just woke up So I can't exactly talk about my day, but I still have shit I want to talk about. So welcome to part 2 of my book. I hope you guys enjoy it and I hope your brains don't explode.

So last night I was jamming out to some music and I found this awesome song (Take me away by Daniel Caesar) it's kind of a slow vibey song but I really like it's amazing. Oh and I would really appreciate it if I got some song suggestions in the comments I need some new music. (I listen to rap, and some pop BUT ABSOLUTELY NO COUNTRY!!) I would really appreciate it if I got some songs in the comments

Some people might be thinking I'm a tad bit crazy and hyper while reading this book. I am. Well I am sometimes. Let me give you a little insight into my life. So as you all know I'm 14 and I have like 2 friends. But I am also an anti-social homeschool kid, I barely go outside. And I tend to annoy the hell out of everyone I know. I love singing, but instead of actually singing I tend to song extremely loudly and in weird voices. I have an addiction to hot fries (there's a picture in the top part. I think that's called the media but Idk and idc) I haven't had any in forever because no one will buy me any I MEAN COME ON PEOPLE THEY ARE TWO DAMN DOLLARS. I am also addicted to makeup and I know what you're thinking "So do you wear makeup because you hate your face?" And no I do not. This topic will have to be separated into a completely different part.

If anyone is wondering why I'm telling my whole life story to a bunch of strangers. Well that is because this one of the only outlets I have to make friends and that may not happen and I am okay with that, but my extreme social anxiety causes some major problems in my everyday life. Interacting with strangers in extremely hard for me. I can't even pay for my own things at the cash register. I can't start a conversation with someone they have to come to me and start the conversation. And the list goes on, as I'm writing this "book" I don't want to receive pity from anyone. I just want people to read this and understand, but I'm going to hop the sad train now and we are going to get back into the stupid shit that I like to talk about.

Vines. I really appreciate them, when vine was still a thing I thought it was stupid as fuck and had no point but now I am always watching random people's vines on a daily. If you were to play a compilation of vines I would know every word of what every one would say. I'm just that addicted. And as you may notice my titles tend to be phrases from vines.

Okay so I'm gonna end this part here because my thumbs are starting to hurt and I want to go eat some food. So I hope you enjoyed this shit storm. And I will see all of you dudes in the next part

Peace out girl scout✌✌

I wrote this when I was 14, it's a dumpster fire.Where stories live. Discover now