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Hey, I'm Maya and I'm a 14 year old loser with no friends(well I have one. If you see this WHATZ UP ASHLEY!!). I'm a homeschooled girl with major depression and social anxiety. Can anyone relate? If so give me a HELL YEAH! In the comments. So um this whole "book" is gonna be extremely awkward because I mean I'm writing so can anyone expect any different "No Maya you are literally garbage" yea that's my head talking to me. And before you say it NO I'M NOT CRAZY, well maybe a little bit.

So does anybody watch glee anymore, because girl I do. I know it ended a long time ago and people are probably like "Maya it's almost 2018 nobody watches that anymore" Well I do so get over it. Just kidding I love you guys. Well I love whoever is reading this trash if anyone is.

So in the next part we will most likely be discussing old vines that I will never give up on. Makeup. Oh and YouTube of course can't forget the homie YouTube. So everybody have a rad day(or night) and it's almost christmas. Merry almost christmas dudes. I'm gonna take my leave now, I will spare your brains form imploding. And please no one correct my grammar or punctuation. I know it's horrible. I'M NOT A GENIUS OKAY.

But anyways bye Love you guys❤🤘

I wrote this when I was 14, it's a dumpster fire.Where stories live. Discover now