If You got Grabbed with them * Cuss warning for Vance and Robin* ( SA warning)

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Finney Blake:
- Tried to make sure you were safe at all times
- Wouldn't let The Grabber come closer than 2ft
- You would help Finney make a plan to kill The Grabber
- You kept telling him not to go up the stairs
- He only listened to you because if your puppy eyes

Robin Arellano:
- " I swear I'm going to kill that Hijo de puta..."
- He tried fighting The Grabber, but got gravelly injured
- " I'm sorry, amor... I'm still trying to get you out"
- Is more worried about getting you back home than him
- " I need you to carry out my legacy, if I don't make it out with you..."
- If The Grabber touches you (SA warning), Robin is most likely choking The Grabber with the phone and then, comfort you and let you cry and scream

Vance Hopper:
-" Get Back here you coward! Let me finish bashing you head in!"
- Yeah... you both got a good hit on The Grabber before he knocked you both out
- " Vance, shut the actual fuck up, He can't hear you"
- every time The Grabber came to give you eggs, Vance or You try to take a swing at his head
- It got so bad to the point that The Grabber started punishing the both of you...
- I might make a oneshot about this
- " look, if you get out and I don't, beat my pinball high score, ok?"
- Won't let The Grabber get anywhere from 6-7ft close to you
- if The Grabber actually get close enough to touch you,(SA warning) Vance will first, try to kill The Grabber, Second, Comfort you and let you cry if needed

- Holds you close when The Grabber comes in the basement
- let's you cry into his shoulder if The Grabber touches you( you know what I mean) Billy will make sure that The Grabber doesn't come close to you ever again
- Try's to call his dog form the window
- Gives you the eggs instead of sharing them
Bruce Yamada:
- idk

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