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It's frustrating when you have that mindset

I mean why cheat? I'm genuinely asking. Why? For what reason, and why do you think it's good to cheat?

You not only blame the cheater, but blame the person they cheated with.

Why do you even cheat? If you're interested with someone just break up with them, or maybe just don't get with them in the first place.

Entertaining someone is cheating, having feelings with someone who's not your significant other is cheating.

Don't you at least try to see your significant others perspective? His/her side of the story.

Also, why talk to someone when you know their in a relationship? Why, just why? And you have the audacity to get angry?

Do you know what it feels like? The feeling of getting "cheated" on, when you thought you love each other. When he/she leaves you, you suddenly see that they're interested with someone else already.

It hurts, to see someone you love interested with someone. I trusted him.

I trusted him, I gave him my all. Was I not enough?

I kept my promises, I made sure to understand his feelings, I was doing everything he wanted. I was still not enough.

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