James Rogers

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Jonathan sat on the school bus next to Helena, pretending to listen to one of her rants.

"Uh-huh, that's great Helena." he said as he texted someone on his phone.

"I just said that I wished that our next President is Republican," she said, smirking at the fact that she'd been saying complete bullshit for the past 3 minutes, all of which Jonathan had agreed with.

Jonathan shuddered at the thought of that, then resumed texting.

"Oooo who are you texting?" said Helen, suddenly interested.

"No one!" said Jonathan, quickly tucking his phone into his pocket.

"Is it a girl?" she said jokingly.

Jonathan rolled his eyes. "No."

"Is it a guy?"

Jonathan's breath caught in his throat. "N-n-no, of c-c-course not!" he sputtered, unable to make coherent sentances.

"Jeez calm down, I was making a joke! No need to get all defensive," Helena said, although she took note of this reaction as it potentially confirmed the suspicions of her long-term investigation into Jonathan's romantic life.

Jonathan said nothing, brushing his dyed, silver bangs out of his face. He gazed out the window for a few minutes until the bus pulled up at school. He quickly got off the bus and starting walking towards the back of the school. Helena followed him from a distance, intrigued.

As she approached the main entrance to the school Janis and Irena walked past her, and she heard Ferris yell "What's the matter sweetheart? Haven't met the right guy yet?"

She stopped in her tracks. Her brother was a fucking dead man.

"FERRIS YOU HOMOPHOBIC DICK!" she shrieked, charging over to where Ferris and his friends were sitting.


James Rogers stood behind the school by the dumpsters.

"Very classy place to meet your boyfriend" he thought to himself. Not like he had any other choice though. School was a hostile environment for the kids who were out, he didn't want to deal with the harrassment he saw some of his friends face. Especially the harrasment from Jonathan's brother. Both he and Jonathan agreed that Ferris could never find out about them.

Unlike Jonathan, however, James had already told his parents about his sexual orientation and his relationship. He knew they would be supportive, after all he had two dads.

He heard footsteps and saw Jonathan emerge around the corner. Jonathan grinned as he saw his boyfriend. He ran towards James and embraced him.

"Very classy meeting place" he said as he pulled away from their embrace, giggling.

James rolled his eyes. "It's better than the supply closet in the theater."

"Hey how's your dad doing? I ment to text you this morning but Helena kept distracting me." Jonathan asked, concerned.

"Oh don't worry he's fine," said James, "his prosthetic arm broke, so my other dad had to drive him to Janis's house so that her dad could fix it."

"Your dad's like Darth Vader, with his mechanical arm,"

"Nerd," James said jokingly, even though they both knew that Star Wars was one of his favorite movie series. He leaned in and kissed Jonathan.

"What the fuck???" came a voice from behind them.

They both turned to find Ferris staring at them in disgust.

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