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Summary: Anon Bad Things Happen Bingo request for Black Eye! Steven gets mugged. Jake and Marc are all >:C about it. TW for a lil bit of blood and descriptions of the mugging, but it's not any more violent than the show was

The first thing Marc noticed when he took control was that everything hurt a lot more than he remembered. His legs ached like he'd just sprinted miles, his stomach and ribs twinged with every tiny movement, the warm water from the sink running over his hands soothed cold, his bruised fingers, and his face...

The second thing he noticed was that he could only see out of one eye.

He looked up into the mirror and swore.

He wasn't wearing a shirt, probably to avoid it being stained by the blood slowly dripping from their busted upper lip. Their right eye was swollen shut, quickly turning purple in the mirror. Bruises littered his torso like fallen leaves at the beginning of autumn, making it impossible to move without a painful hiss.

"Fuck, Jake, what did you do this time?" he muttered, sighing at his reflection. He got a washcloth out of the cupboard and ran it under the water as he reached out in his mind for Jake. "C'mon man, get your ass out here, c'mon--"

"Yeah yeah I'm here, I'm here, whattaya want?" Marc gave a sigh of relief at Jake's gruff voice, and almost smiled at his tired tone but found it was rather painful to do so.

"What happened man?" Marc said. "You're supposed to stick around and tell us what happened when the body gets beat up like this."

"¿Qué? No se--" Jake finally looked up at their reflection, and his left eye widened. He brought a red, bruised hand up to their face, gingerly brushing his fingers over their busted lip and black eye. "¿Qué pasó? The hell didja do to us, Marc? We don't have Khonshu's armor anymore, you can't let us get chewed up like this."

"Me? I thought you did this," Marc said, bringing the wet washcloth up to wipe the dried blood and dirt off their face.

But as soon as the words left his mouth, Marc's heart started to pound, cold blood freezing him in place.

"Dios mío--"

"Steven-- shit, Steven buddy, where are you, what happened?" He let the washcloth splash down into the half-full sink, red blood blossoming in the water like poppies. Marc gripped the mirror in front of him, searching his own eyes and clawing around in his mind for Steven.

Suddenly his reflection avoided his gaze, and crumpled in on himself.

"Steven!" Marc breathed.

"¿Qué pasó? You alright?"

"I-I'm fine, lads, really," Steven's reflection said softly. "We er... we got mugged. Or, he tried to mug us."

"What? What do you mean 'tried'?"

"Didja fight 'em off? I didn't know you had it in ya!" Jake said with a laugh, but Steven crossed his arms over his bruised ribs and closed his one open eye.

"No. I didn't have our wallet on us, there was nothing for him to steal. It was j-just supposed to be a walk, it was nice outside, and I thought it would be g-good for us, and--"

Tears leaked from their eyes as Steven's reflection started to cry.

"Oh, oh no, Steven, buddy--"

"He had a club, Marc!" Steven snapped suddenly, this time using the body to speak instead of his reflection. He hugged their torso, and Marc could feel their entire body starting to shake. "He didn't believe me when I said I didn't have anything, he beat me up anyway! I tried to fight, but we don't have the suit anymore and knocked me down so fast--He hit me so many times with that club--"

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