Run For Your Life

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"John, you look horrendous." Y/n retorted, trying to hold back a laugh as she stared at John's ridiculous excuse for a disguise.

The couple were headed to Abbey Road Studios where John was set to record Help!, the next up and coming album for his band- The Beatles.

This would mark the first time Y/n would be at the studio whilst the boys performed since she and John started dating a year ago. He's begged Y/n to come for as long as he could remember- it just never happened.

"Come on Babes, it's not all that bad." John insisted, swinging the pairs intertwined hands back and forth as they marched forward.

"You have slinky-eye-glasses on." Y/n reminded John, giving him a look, her head cocking slightly.

Johns' disguise was out of the ordinary, to say the least, according to his darling girlfriend. He had on his prized slinky-eye-glasses, that drooped when on. He complimented said eyewear with a long black top hat, a bright yellow suit, and clown shoes- red ones, to be exact.

"I thought they were a good touch." John clicked his tongue, disagreeing with his partner politely.

"I thought you didn't want to stand out." Y/n recalled, looking up at John's ludicrous face.

"Yeah, Yeah. I guess I am doing this just to embarrass you." John shrugged, a smile plastered throughout his features as he jabbed at Y/n's side.

"Oh joy." Y/n rolled her eyes, lightly swatting his hand away, playfully.

John loved teasing and poking fun at Y/n- it was his favourite pastime. He'd always find someway to make her laugh, or in this case, make her absolutely crazed.

She loved it nevertheless.

And so the two set off once more, walking along the sidewalk in a pleasant silence, their hands joined again.

They were simply enjoying the bright warm weather, quietly enjoying each other's presence when a group of 10 young girls approached them.

Y/n glanced at John quickly, as he had stopped abruptly, letting go of her hand in the process.

John didn't want anyone or anything to know it was him. He naturally wanted to be left alone, along with his girlfriend. But that's not really plausible when you're in the business he's in.

"Hey, you're Y/n Y/l/n right?" One girl, who looked no older than 7 asked, her mouth hung agape.

"That would be me." Y/n smiled cautiously, messing with them hem of her shirt anxiously.

Y/n loved Johns fans, don't get her wrong. Most of them were sweet and welcoming of her when the duo made their relationship public. It's just that they made her-nervous. Nervous because they were, well...unpredictable.

"So you're really dating John Lennon?" Another girl gasped, this time a little older. Her reaction made Y/n giggle.

"Yes, I am."

"So then, who's that?" A third girl pointed towards John, whom had been standing completely still for the entire encounter; his hands now at his side.

"Um..." Y/n began, her voice fading as she searched for an answer. She looked at John with worried eyes. "He's-"

"I'm Johnny...Lennmen? Yes! That is I!" John shouted loudly in a high-pitched voice. Y/n put a hand on her face and sighed, shaking her head.

"What's wrong with him?"
"Lennmen?" Some of the girls replied, looking between the two.

"Are you sure about that?" The same girl from earlier blurted, striding up to John, quickly snatching the glasses off of his face before Y/n had time to react. "Oh my god- it's John Lennon!" She shouted, making the rest of the group shriek.

"Run for your life!" John yelled, grabbing his girlfriends hand, sprinting away from the girls.

"It's John Lennon!" A different girl yelled, making pedestrians on the streets heads turn. Once they had processed what had been said, they began running too.

John was running as fast as his legs would take him, dragging Y/n close behind- their stomps echoing against the pavement. This was the fastest John had ever gone in his life. He really didn't want to deal with this today.

Not only did this put him in danger, not knowing what these fans were capable of, but it put his girlfriend in danger as well. And John was never okay with that.

"I told you that disguise was ridiculous!" Y/n panted as they turned a corner, finally in reach of their destination.

"Y/n," John looked at Y/n quickly. "not the time, hun! God I hate kids!"

Eventually the pair came to a complete stop, right outside of the studio. John looked behind Y/n swiftly.

"Thank god," He heaved. "They're gone."

"I didn't know you could run so fast." Y/n wheezed, placing her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.

"I didn't either." John sighed, running a hand through his light brown locks. "Are you okay? Did any of them touch you?"

"No, I'm okay." Y/n responded hastily, her breathing still uneven. "Just a little shaken up, that's all."

"I'm sorry I put you in danger." John apologized, pulling Y/n into his arms, hugging her steadily.

"John, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"I'll always worry about you hun." John kissed Y/n's head gingerly. "That's me job."

John and Y/n stayed like this for a while, the two were merely enjoying each other's embrace.

"We should go in, just in case those people find us again." John eventually spoke up, reluctantly pulling away from his his beloved.

"Good idea."  Y/n agreed.


John and Y/n walked into the studio tired, breathless, and crossed.

Paul, Ringo, and George were standing in the recording booth, annoyed by the lack of urgency the two were having now that they were here.

"Oi! What took you so long?" Paul quipped, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Girls." The couple replied blankly in unison.

"Lots of girls."

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