chapter three

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I woke up to my mother shaking me. "Dear wake up or you will be late for school." said a lovely soft voice. I opened my eyes to see my beautiful mother. I stretched my arms. "Good Morning mother" "Good Morning dear. I need you to get ready or you will be late for school." "Alright mother. I will be ready soon." My mother left my room closing the door behind her. I changed into one of my purple dresses. It was one of my favorite ones. Once I changed I headed downstairs. I ate breakfast in a rush. Ruby already left without me since she woke up earlier. I grabbed my lunch said goodbye to mother and left. As I was walking I noticed a bush moving. I tried to ignore it but my curiosity came over me. I walked up to the bush and Gilbert jumped out of the bush. I yelled.

I playfully smacked his arm. "Don't ever do that again" I said with a sturn voice. "I am sorry. I just love seeing you get scared." he laughs. "I won't do it again." I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow. He laughs. "For now" I turn my head to see we are almost at school. As we head inside we hang our coats and put away our lunch. We went into the clasroom and realise how quiet it is and look up. We are late for class. Everyone turns to face us.

Mr. Phillip turns around to see what everyone is whispering about. "Where have you two been?" I didn't know what to say. "Oh we uh-" "I was my fault sir" I heard a voice right next to me. I turn to Gilbert and tilt my head. "It's ok. I have us covered." he whispers. "I was distracting her on our way here to school." Mr Pillips stays quiet for a moment. "You are both cleaning erasers for half of lunch. Twice in a row miss. Gillis this isn't looking good for you" I stay quiet and head to my seat. Gilbert heads to his seat as well. I stayed quiet for the rest of class.

"Alright chidren it is time for lunch. Gilbert you will clean erasers first." Gilbert goes up to the board and starts cleaning them. I get pulled to the circle and the girls kept asking me many questions.

"So what were you and Gilbert really doing?" I heard a girl ask but didn't see who it was. "What do you mean?" "Oh come on you really expect us to believe that Gilbert was just distracting you?" Ruby just sat there looking at the ground. "All what happened was I saw a bush shaking, I went to go see what it was, then Gilbert popped out of the bush and scared me." I said being completely honest. All the girls look at me in dissapointment. Ruby slightly smiled trying not to make it noticable. Diana and I are the only ones that know about Ruby having a crush on Gilbert.

A few minutes later I heard a deep voice say, "Alice it is your turn to clean erasers." I got up and started cleaning.

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