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There once were four young turtles, all four different kinds of turtles, who were mutated. Their human DNA, Lou Jitzu, tried to get away with all four of them, but unfortunately, he could only get away with two of them. The two he left were still in the clutches of evil Baron Draxum, who wanted to turn them into warriors for his own mutant army.

Lou Jitzu didn't want to leave them behind, but he had to if he wanted to get any of them out alive. He just hoped that Baron Draxum didn't turn those sweet, innocent turtles into anything too bad.

He couldn't look back as he ran, knowing he would be ridden with guilt if he did.

He held the other two turtles in his hands, looking down at their adorable little faces. He had to get them all somewhere safe, where they wouldn't be found. He couldn't go back to his mansion. It was too obvious.

He spotted a manhole cover, and climbed into the sewers as quickly as he could. He ignored the smells and grime as he looked around and nodded to himself. He walked through the sewers, exploring them, trying to find a perfect place to make their new home.

He eventually found it. A large and empty place that was so far out of the way, you'd have to be really looking for it to find it.

He put the two turtles on the ground gently. They needed names, but what...?

The smaller turtle spotted an old pencil on the ground. How it got there, no one was really sure. The turtle crawled over to it, and picked it up, and began scribbling on the floor, as if trying to draw something.

Lou Jitzu sat and watched him for a bit, confused on what he was doing. Once he was done, he set the pencil down, and looked at the drawing, nodding to himself. It wasn't very good, as he was just a tiny newly mutated turtle baby, but it was clearly meant to be a person and his kids.

"Is that us?" Lou Jitzu asked.

The small turtle looked up at him, and nodded with a small smile.

Lou gently picked him up and smiled. "It's amazing, Orange."

The kid clearly had an artistic eye. The drawing wasn't much, since he was only a small child, but it was clear he had something going for him when it came to art.

"I know what I will call you. Michelangelo."

The small turtle, now named Michelangelo, clapped his hands together a few times, showing he liked the name.

Lou picked up the other turtle. "And you I will call Raphael."

Michelangelo looked at Raphael, and smiled at him. Raphael smiled shyly back then looked up at the man who saved him and his brother. Michelangelo also looked up at the man who saved them. He wondered what was going to happen next.

"I'm L—" Lou stopped himself and smiled. "I'm Splinter. I'll be taking care of you."

Michelangelo nodded. Even though he didn't know exactly what that meant, he still understood it somehow. Raphael nodded as well and yawned. Michelangelo yawned as well, feeling a bit tired.

"I should put you two to bed, shouldn't I?"

Michelangelo yawned again, leaning his head into Splinter's chest tiredly. Splinter cooed softly and laid down. He let the two rest on his chest and sleep. He had to give these two the best life he could offer them.

They were his kids now.

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