Ch 6: A slytherin Norseman

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Eivor woke up early. She needed a moment to orientate herself, her eyes sweeping over her green four-poster bed and her nightstand.

Then realization hit her.

It was her first day of classes. That thought made her excited and nervous at the same time. She got up quietly and dressed herself, trying not to wake her roommates, who were Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson and Tracey Davis.

Eivor wished her dorm would be in one of Hogwarts' towers so that she could see the sun, but the view underneath the lake was not so bad either. It was a little eery with the eels staring through the windows, but the green and blue shimmering water was extremely beautiful.

She left the Slytherin den with her bag filled with her books and Synin perched on her shoulder. 

Since Synin was not a magical bird, she didn't know where to go, so Eivor had to find the owlery before breakfast. She got lost a few times, feeling grateful that she had woken up so early, until she stumbled into somebody who had rushed around the corner.

She landed on her behind, Synin flying off her shoulder and cawing enraged. When Eivor looked up, she recognized the man as one of the professors sitting at the teachers' table.

He wore black robes, and black was his hair as well as his eyes. His eyes narrowed dangerously and he seemed to be ready to unleash an angry rant. Eivor hurriedly got back on her feet and Synin returned to her shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir?", she asked nervously. "Could you tell me where the owlery is?"

"Follow that corridor and turn left", he sneered at her and disappeared around the corner. Synin screeched something that sounded unpleasant.

"I agree", said Eivor and continued walking.

Breakfast was not such a complicated thing as she thought it would be. The food was delicious, but Eivor decided for good that she didn't really like pumpkin juice.

Synin was having a good time in the owlery, making friends with the other owls. Eivor wouldn't be too worried about her. She sat at the end of the Slytherin table next to Daphne close to the High table where the teachers sat, when the time tables were being handed out.

Eivor saw Professor McGonagall walking to the Gryffindor table and figured she would be the Gryffindors' Head of House. She was very surprised to learn that the Professor she had bumped into earlier was the Head of Slytherin. She muttered a "Thank you" when she received her time table and glanced at it.

It wasn't too bad, she figured, she had several classes with Gryffindor and some with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. That would be a good chance to get to know the other houses. When she finished breakfast, she walked over to the Gryffindor table to Harry and Ron.

"Hey guys", she smiled. "What classes do you have today?" Harry pulled out his time table.

"Transfiguration and History of magic", he said, "and you?"

"Charms and Herbology", Eivor replied.

"What are you doing here, Slytherin?", a boy asked with a hostile tone in his voice. Eivor looked at him irritatedly.

"Why shouldn't I be here?"

"Stop it, Seamus", the bushy-haired girl Eivor recognized from yesterday snapped. She turned to her and said in a friendlier tone."I'm Hermione Granger,and ignore him."

"Eivor Varinsdottir", Eivor said, unsure to what was going on. She noticed that Ron was still eyeing her warily. "Is something wrong, Ron?", Eivor asked.

Ron shook his head and muttered something under his breath, turning beet red. Hermione before turning and leaving the Great Hall. Outside, Daphne immediately approached her.

"What was that all about?", Daphne hissed. Surprised at her reaction, Eivor explained.

"I met them in the train yesterday, they're really nice." Daphne rolled her eyes in an annoyed way.

"You can't just go up to the Gryffindors, they hate us Slytherins. It will look like you want to get on Harry Potter's good side."

"I didn't know who he was when I met him", Eivor said, feeling slightly irritated.

"The other Slytherins might think you are a traitor if you're befriending Gryffindors and will not want to be friends with you", Daphne added in a calmer tone. Eivor narrowed her eyes at Daphne.

"Does that mean you don't want to be friends with me, if I'm friends with Gryffindors?" Daphne turned red.

"It's just the way things are", she said stubbornly. "Get used to it."

Eivor huffed angrily and stomped off. What a great way to start her day. As it turned out, not many seemed to like Slytherins. She was constantly bumping into people and tripping over something that was not there.

And remarks such as "out of the way, Slytherin" or "get lost" were hurtled across her way throughout the day. And Daphne had been right.

There were several older Slytherins muttering "traitor" into her ear as she passed them. One time, even the blond Slytherin first-year, whose name she knew now to be Draco Malfoy, said the same. Where they serious? All that fuss because of a hat put you in a curtain house?

Angry and upset, Eivor stormed up the steps to the owlery after Charms. The class itself had not been too bad, but somehow her wand didn't want to do what she wanted.

She felt like instead of helping her use her magic, it was blocking her magic instead. Like a water hose that was too small for a wide stream. Which was weird because she remembered the connection she had felt at Diagon Alley. And even Mr. Ollivander had told her that this was her wand. 

Perhaps something inside her didn't agree with the wand. Professor Flitwick had told her to practice and perform it in the next lesson. She had felt so humiliated, but at least she wasn't the only one who had to practice.

Eivor arrived at the owlery and walked straight to Synin's perch, where the black raven was sitting peacefully.

"Hey, Synin", Eivor whispered and swallowed to hold back her tears.

Synin cocked her head, then flew onto her shoulder and nuzzled her chin with her beak. Eivor smiled weakly and sat down, leaning against the wall. There were several beautiful owls present, one snowy owl Eivor recognized as Harry's owl Hedwig.

"Hi guys", she said quietly. They nodded their heads in her direction before resuming what they had done before. Preening their feathers. Eivor, despite being human, still had a strong connection to nature. look like one, other animals felt that and knew she was no threat. Eivor looked out of the window.

The sky was blue with a few clouds gliding across it. It looked so inviting . She stayed the rest of the lunch time up in the owlery and finally left for Herbology. That was a subject she definitely was excited for. Having Herbology with the Hufflepuffs was quite nice, they were friendlier than the Ravenclaws had been in Charms.

Eivor got paired with Hannah Abbott to transfer plants from their pots to bigger ones. They had to be quick since the plants were very sensitive and many tended to die before reaching the new pot. At first, Hannah had been very quiet, but after they had been talking for a while, she seemed to open up more.

"How do you like Hogwarts?", Hannah asked while digging a hole. Eivor blew a strand of hair out of her face that had loosened from her ponytail and replied

"The castle is very pretty and the teachers seem nice too."

But some students aren't, she added in her head. Hannah seemed to guess what she was thinking.

"Don't worry", the Hufflepuff said. "If you don't behave like the Gryffindors expect you to, they'll change their behavior around you." 

Maybe, Eivor hoped internally.

She noticed that her plant had started to wither a bit and, when no one was looking, she touched the plant carefully by the stem and exhaled slowly. Her magic gently flowed into the plant, through the stem and into the leaves. They straightened up slightly and the plant looked better instantly.

"Wonderful!", Professor Sprout exclaimed when she examined Hannah's and Eivor's plants.

"Five points to Hufflepuff and Slytherin!" The girls grinned at each other.

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