Ch 14: The trapped door

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Eivor was so occupied with her studies, she barely saw Harry, Ron and Hermione anymore except in class and at lunch. Neville and Luna sometimes joined the three Gryffindors at the Slytherin table, Luna always delighted to see Eivor wearing the gold earrings she had made.

Eivor had heard the rumors, that Harry, Ron and Hermione had each lost fifty points by somehow getting caught by Professor McGonagall when they dropped off Norberta at the Astronomy tower.

Feeling bad for them, Eivor had tried to cheer them up, saying that Draco had also lost fifty. Her fifty points she had won during the troll incident were gone now. The three Gryffindors tried to forget the embarrassment they felt by burying themselves in their school work.

Slytherins kept thanking them smirkingly for helping Slytherin win the house cup, but Eivor glared at them every time they got near.

She was getting pretty annoyed by the house rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

She was also very sure that Professor Snape had known she was outside that night and purposely left the wall unsealed. The next day in Potions, she had forgotten to hide her bite marks of Norberta and Professor Snape had brushed by, dropping a little tin containing a healing salve into her bag.

That had been a nice surprise, and Eivor had smiled had at him after that every time she saw him.

Draco Malfoy was still being a turd to her, ruining her parchment and books everytime he got the chance. And Pansy Parkinson gladly helped him.

While studying, she tried at the same time to keep an eye on Quirrell. Synin had taken over that task when Eivor was in class, which she was very grateful for.

Their exams came and went, and so did the stress for most of the students.

Eivor however, was very anxious about her exam results. She knew she was not good at using her wand, but she could not afford failing. That thought stuck with her constantly.

Eivor was on her way to lunch, when Harry, Ron and Hermione pulled her into a corner.

"He's going to go in tonight!", Harry whispered frantically. "He's going to get the stone tonight!"

"Who?", Eivor asked confused.

"Snape", Ron answered breathlessly.

"Dumbledore is not here to stop him and Snape found a way to get past Fluffy!"

"He just needs to play music", Hermione added in a low tone. "Fluffy falls asleep when he hears music."

"So we're going in tonight", Harry finished and the three all looked at her expectantly.

"It's not Professor Snape, Harry", Eivor tried to convince him. But when she saw Harry's expression. "But I'm coming with you anyways." she added. Hermione looked relieved. 

"We'll meet you at the door." Ron said firmly.

Eivor had never been so nervous before. She knew that Harry was right, somebody was going to steal the Philosopher's stone tonight. At the same time, she knew it was Professor Quirrell, not Professor Snape, she could feel it.

Every time she was near the man with the turban, she got shivers and goosebumps. And what scared her even more, was that four first-years were going to try to stop a grown wizard. That couldn't go well.

Making up her mind, she told Synin to fly to Professor Dumbledore, if that were possible. Synin had picked up some tricks from the owls and was able to locate some people now.

Eivor put on her black pants and a black sweater, and finally added the earrings from Luna. She was sure they'd need a lot of luck. Hermione had her ear pressed against the door.

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