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Friday November 8th 1985

I unlocked my door, and walked in smiling ear to ear. I just left my first Hellfire game. I haven't played in years, but you couldn't tell. We whooped Eddie's ass. I haven't had that much fun in a very long time. It was like the good old days playing in Wheeler's basement, but better because I'm not the only older kid there this time.

"Why do you think it's okay to dress this way? What? Your father dies so you become a whore?" My mother asked, then chugged her glass of wine. I looked at her in shock.

"Excuse me?" I said in shock.

"Look at you! You're not the daughter we raised. Running around with God knows who. You like girls, and boys so I'm sure you're out there having a great time whoring around." She scoffed.

"First of all mom, I'm still a virgin, and just had my first kiss like a week ago. Second, I'm 19! I should be able to dress how I want. I think I look great! So did aunt Cat when I dropped Dusty off tonight. Who by the way, was with me all night. We were playing DND." I said with my arms crossed. Feeling the anger build in me.

My mom got up from her chair, and walked up to me. Staring me right in my eyes. She slapped me hard across my face. My hand held my cheek, as it immediately started to burn. I looked at her with tears in my eyes. Tears of pure rage.

"What did I do!?" I asked.

"No child that I birth will disrespect me!" She replied.

"YOU DIDN'T BIRTH ME!" I shouted in pure rage. Her eyes widened. "Yeah, I know I'm adopted. My real mom died giving birth. You took the easy way out. God! All these years, you held it over my head. I carried you for nine months blah blah blah. NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T!!" I screamed. I need to calm myself before this gets too far.

My mother was too stunned to speak. She looked at me as if I was the one to slap her across her face. I crossed my arms, and stared at her. Waiting for her response, but she just stares at me. I scoffed.

"Nothing to say huh?" I laughed.

"How?" She asked.

"Dad came to me in a dream. When I woke up, I went to where he showed me the key, and safe. Sure enough both were there, and he was right." I kinda lied. I didn't specify what dad came to my dream.

She looked at me in shock, and disbelief.

"You're psycho! You expect me to believe that!? If that's true, there is truly something wrong with you! So what is it? Are you a liar, or are you a psycho?" She asked with a look in her eyes I did not recognize. I could feel the rage building within. I need out of this situation before I explode. Literally.

"I guess you raised a psycho! Are you proud of me mommy?" I spat at her. She slapped me across the face again. I took a deep breath, and tried to calm the storm within me. "I wish dad left you in the fire. If he didn't go back, you'd be gone, and not him." I said with no emotion.

She gasped, stepped back, and put her hand over her heart.

"Get out." She said, her voice cracking. I looked at her confused. "I SAID GET OUT!! YOU'RE NOT MY DAUGHTER!! I WANT YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE!! NOW!" She shouted.

My heart raced, and my vision started to flash in, and out. Without saying a word, I went up to my room, and slammed my door shut. I began to pack a bag when I heard my mother running upstairs. I looked at my door knob, and used my telekinesis to lock it.

"OPEN THIS DOOR NOW YOU LITTLE BITCH!" She screamed. I ignored her as I packed my bag. I just packed what I would need for the next few days. I'll break in, and get more another day.

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