Chapter 2

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As soon as I heard those dreaded words, I immediately became hysterical, sobbing and screaming uncontrollably. How did this day go from decorating the Christmas tree to losing my best friend? It was the most painful thing that'd happened to me since losing my mother. Knowing I would never feel Emily hugging me again, see her contagious smile, or hear her beautiful voice again, it was all too much. I couldn't handle it.

I can't remember what happened next, because things all of a sudden went black for a split second. Then, when I opened my eyes again, I saw darkness. I looked around, and realized I was lying on a cold hard ground in a strange place. I sat up slowly, and took in my surroundings. It looked to be a huge cave, but how in the world did I end up in such a place? More importantly, why was I here? Remembering Emily's death, I began to cry as I thought I'd figured out what had happened. I guess this is what I get, I thought to myself.

"Why does it cry, Precious?" a child-like voice asked me.

I looked up, and saw a skinny creature with wiry arms and legs, long wiry fingers and toes, a head larger than normal with bright blue eyes that practically glowed in the dark, and a loin cloth, crawling towards me. To be honest, I didn't find him at all ugly or creepy. I thought he was rather cute, and those eyes, wow!

"Where am I?" I sniffled. "Is this Hell?"

"Hell?" the creature inquired. "What's Hell, Precious?"

I felt somewhat relieved, as I thought I'd died and gone to Hell for what happened to Emily. "Oh, never mind," I said awkwardly. "So... where am I?"

"We are inside the Misty Mountains, Precious, yes."


"What is it doing here?"

"I don't know. I just woke up here."

"Oh, well, what is it, Precious?" the creature asked with eager curiosity. "What is it? Is it a hobbit... or an elf?"

"No. I'm a human."



"What is its name?"


"Allison? Oh, what a lovely name it has, Precious! We loves its name very much, yes, we do!"

I smiled sadly. "Thanks. What's your name?"

The creature thought for a moment. "S—Sméagol?" he said uncertainly. "Yes, Sméagol is our name, Precious!"

"That's really pretty. I like your name, too."

Sméagol smiled at me. "Oh! Thank you very much! We forgets our name for centuries! Now, we remembers it! Sméagol!" He laughed gleefully.

"You forgot your name?" I asked sadly. "That really sucks. I'm really sorry. Do you live here?"

"Yes! Yes, we do. Where does Allison live?"


"Utah? What's Utah?"

"It's a state... in America."

"Is America a country?"

"Yep. You've never heard of America?"

"No, never. Is it near the Shire?"

"No. I don't know where the Shire is."

Sadness swept across Sméagol's face.

"What's wrong?"

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