Chapter 6

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Emily's funeral was two days later. Thankfully, the snow had melted by then, which would make the buriel easier. I wore a black sweater dressthat she knitted for me herself a few years ago. I sat next to her coffin, and seeing her body inside absolutely killed me. She was so beautiful, even in death. She wore a white onesie with wings, a long tail, and a zipper down the front. It was perfect for her, because she really was an angel, even before she died. She was truly the kindest, sweetest, most selfless, caring, and loving person I'd ever known. I rested my head on her coffin and cried as I listened to the bishop's speech and everyone's eulogies. She was loved so dearly by so many in this town. Heavy sobs could be heard all around by people who adored and admired her. She had touched so many lives in the short amount of time she was given, but especially mine. When it was my turn to speak, I told the story of our friendship, how she was there for me through my father's abuse, my mother's death, my father's death, and how she and her parents took me in. I spoke of our mutual love for music, singing, and songwriting. Then, I headed over to the piano, sat down, and began to play and sing the song I'd written for her as a Christmas present.

After the service, I rode in the hearse with Emily and her parents to the cemetery, and we followed the pallbearers as they carried Emily to her final resting place. They lowered her into the ground, and we took one last look at her before they buried her.

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